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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Why do you not even know vital shit about your own fave? And Mariah's head voice has saved lives.
  2. Why is Cupcakke's new video legit better than MR tho? Like this is getting sad...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Woodcrest Stop hanging out with @Beautiful Mind, we already have one internalised homophobe on this site and we don't need another. :die:

      #EmbraceYourInnerFem #BottomRevolution

    3. Woodcrest


      @Countess scald me papi WR6NZpz.gif 

    4. Main Pop Girl
  3. #ThrowbackThursday to this flawless thread which thanks to @trayertrash and @Cypher's corruption still didn't get the Rewind Award it deserved.
  4. What are you talking about? Florence was one of the only good things about the entire game...
  5. Because that's the only people you're trading with. Are you just being deliberately obtuse right now or is this really your standard level of comprehension? And thanks, but I'm not here for Christian rock. I'll stay stanning MiMi with her five octave range!
  6. I had to Google this bitch cos I had no idea which one she was, and when I did I realised that she's the only one I don't care about in the group. Next please!
  7. Not everything is about you, I'm talking about the hundreds of other music traders who fake these stupid demos and then trade them on SC. And I have no idea what a Natasha is.
  8. 'Candy' and 'PONPONPON' are literally still bops even years later... She's amazing!
  9. I completely agree. Tbh this whole post was just me being a messy bitch cos I don't care that much about losing the $20 a year I make from this t-shirt, but I do feel bad for the people like Shane Dawson and that artist who drew the fox artwork who actually spend a lot of time (and in Dawson's case money) working on their art only to have Swift shut them down for no reason. And the saddest part is that these big social media networks like YouTube and Facebook are only too happy to let it happen.
  10. Idk, I feel like with Sia her best work is honestly yet to come. TIA was a bunch of songs that she barely worked on at all and yet it still did well, imagine how amazing she'd be if she actually put in some effort!
  11. I had no idea she worked on either of these! I honestly can't even imagine Nicola singing these tracks in a million years, they're so out of her comfort zone. It would be fascinating to hear the demos, someone better leak for us!
  12. I could never want Pro Tools session for any artist tho. I have better things to do with my time than make fake demos to upload on my Soundcloud page.
  13. I'm shook, Joanne and Natural Causes are two of my top ten albums for this year. I would say definitely Anarchy by Neon Hitch, ALESTA by Alexandra Stan, Glory Days by Little Mix and most importantly ANTI by Rihanna.


  15. I guess it must be pretty decent if you made it through seven seasons! I know what you mean though, after so many seasons I feel like the whole shtick and all the repetitive jokes must be so stale. Props to the actors tho, they're doing well for themselves with all that cashflow!
  16. Nikkie's a cutie and this was a nice collab! It's interesting to see how YouTubers have become more commonly used than interviewers nowadays...First Superwoman with Selena, now Nikkie with Bebe, soon we'll have a Gaga and Marina Joyce collab in the making.
  17. I'm ashamed to say how much I like this... :stretcher: 


  18. I disagree with her statement about gender inequality in music...Idk where she was when David Bowie, Prince and many others were being bashed for their sexuality or androgynous appearance but they received it just as bad, if not worse than she did. Apart from that though, it was an inspiring and well-written speech, she's definitely on a "please like me" tour at the moment.
  19. I love it! It's like a combo of "stuck" and "shook".
  20. Thanks for this enlightening and thoughtful response to my brilliant article! I can tell you put a lot of time into it!
  21. This is the e-mail that I received two days ago, on the tenth of December, in relation to a t-shirt design I had uploaded to the Redbubble online store. The design in question, uploaded under the title ‘Taylor Swift's 'no its becky' T-Shirt’, is one that had been present on the website for several years, and which had been a moderate source of finances for me as a designer; the company making the complaint was one ‘T[aylor] A[llison] S[swift] Rights Management’, a newly formidable presence in the online design world. Yet at first glance, for those as yet uninitiated into the 'Swiftie' fandom, the design may seem more related to Beyonce than it is Taylor. The “no its becky” meme began way back in April 2012, when a Tumblr user known as 'Yallarebrutalizingme' made a satirical post about the dangers of “snorting marijuana” with Swift as the poster child for drug addiction. “Please don't wind up like Becky”, the post read, along with a photograph of a high school aged Swift smiling benignly for the camera. User 'bitch-pudding' pointed out the mistaken identity in a reblog before 'dundermilfllin' sarcastically responded with "no its becky". But in possibly the only truly brilliant move she’s ever made, Swift took the meme to legendary status herself in 2014, about a week after she first created her Tumblr account. In promotion of her new album 1989, the popstar posted a selfie featuring a mustard-colored t-shirt which mimicked the text in dundermilfllin's post - font and all. Fans immediately lost it at the fact that their idol was noticing something they had previously thought of as an inside joke, and the post became a social media hit, gaining over 18 000 notes and being covered by sites such as MTV News and PopCrush. The memes well documented past makes it all the more strange that Swift and/or her legal team would later try and claim credit for it when it comes to Redbubble designs inspired by it, some of which are still uploaded today. Copyrights and ownerships are notoriously difficult concepts to comprehend on the Internet, especially when the recontextualisations and edits of Tumblr are taken into account, where copyright is generally ignored in favour of a free-for-all melee of appropriation. But if ownership had to be assigned for the "no its becky" quote, if anything it should clearly go to the elusive dundermilfllin, the user who coined the caption in the first place. Of course, this isn’t the first time Swift has tried to make a dime out of her fans art. In 2014, she used her record label Sony to demand that a ‘Bad Blood’ parody video made by YouTuber Shane Dawson be taken down off the video-sharing website. In February of last year, the popstar controversially sent cease and desist letters to her fans on Etsy who took to the handmade arts website to post work in dedication to the singer. Later that year, in September, she used the aforementioned TAS Rights Management to shut down Periscope streams of her 1989 Tour that were circulating around Twitter. And on a broader scale, she’s famously copyrighted 1989-related phrases such as "This Sick Beat", "'Cause We Never Go Out of Style," "Could Show You Incredible Things" and "Nice to Meet You, Where You Been?". Everyone knows about the time she tried to threaten Kanye West and Kim Kardashian into submission. And the singer is currently in the midst of a lawsuit with a radio DJ who she says touched her inappropriately during a backstage meet and greet. What are your thoughts on the case? Does Swift deserve the rights, and all associated profits, to the Internet-created “no its becky” meme? Or has she taken her legal rights a step too far? Sound off in the comments down below!
  22. Not here for your already released Utada Hikaru tracks and shitty synth-rock instrumentals. Come for me all you want sis but the pain of Cubic U getting dropped still won't sting any less.
  23. That's why I said her boring R&B stuff. 'Exodus 04' is a bop cos it's got some cool Japenese influences in there to keep it interesting but all her tryhard 90s R&B stuff from the Cubic U era is so bad to me. I haven't even heard the original but I feel like this song sounds so weird not in English... Or maybe it's just his awkward dance moves which are turning me off.
  24. Tell us your ID and if I'm bored on the train I might download it and add you as a friend.
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