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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Don't be like one of our faves and have your album release pushed back. If this isn't out by March 1st I'm unstanning.
  2. I'm sure their record labels will be at least.
  3. @Scammer has probably the most comprehensive Kerli masterpost I've ever seen, you can check it out here.
  4. Thank god for that! Weirdly enough I think the US is now closer to North Korea in terms of immigration at least...
  5. Read ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:
  7. Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat vs Zara Larson - Lush Life
  8. I hate when people mismatch their eras so the fact you used a photo from the ITZ era is perfect to me. Slay us!
  9. We're talking about different things. Most countries (including the US) will require a visa to be obtained before you visit there. @Baby V Alex was talking about people who want to leave Russia, not visit it.
  10. Normally I would just post the emoji but I think this article is worthy of the full gif:
  11. #@PoshExposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I looove this! Where is this photoshoot from?
  13. Never heard of any of these queens before but they all look pretty sickening from what I can tell! Just hope it's not another season seven sitution with a whole lot of looks but no actual talent...
  14. A video of a guy fucking a chicken until it started bleeding. Truth: If you could ban one user on PHF, who would it be and why?
  15. What songs on which charts? Did she knock Lil Kim off the Paypal Hot 100?
  16. Thank you! Are the episodes maybe split up by the way they're released on the website? I heard something about each scene being released sporadically...
  17. I honestly thought she would break out as a film star, she was the only one in the cast who I think could have made it! It's a shame her career was so badly mismanaged.
  18. Now do you understand my struggle? When are we gonna get married so I can get that green card? Save a life, marry @Countess today!
  19. Tacky and disgusting. It makes me sick that she would write a whole album bashing her husband and then expect us to be happy when he fucks some twins into her. In other news:
  20. I'm going to avoid your question like you avoid all mine. Truth: Why does @Tweener avoid my pornographic requests? Is he ashamed of something? Should we ban him from PHF?
  21. Do y'all have subtitled versions of this show? I just looked it up and it actually sounds pretty interesting, I kinda wanna check it out now!
  22. True! But there's so much competition around now that people are trying to find ways to differentiate themselves, and a lot of that time I think that involves working for free as bad as it sounds... It sucks but it's really the way things are moving nowadays.
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