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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This week's Drag Race featured guest judges Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling returning to coach the queens' acting on a parody of 90210, 9021-HO; a job I'm sure they wish they'd turned down after they saw the daggers Nina was throwing at them with her eyes. With Cynthia Lee Fontaine out of the picture she often hogged, it was interesting to see who stepped up to the plate this week and who let the pressure get to them. In typical Drag Race style, the show within a show was a campy mess, parodying the format of 9021-HO with a random school lunchlady thrown in for good measure. Trinity Taylor took home a well deserved win for what was basically a recreation of Amy Poehler's "cool mom" from Mean Girls, while Valentina stunned us with just how beautiful she can look as the popular girl in school. While both of them did a great job in the battle, I can't help but hope that neither of them wins the war - Trinity is a super talented drag queen for sure, but there's something I find difficult to relate to in her personality, and Valentina is frankly just an irritant both in and out of drag. On the other hand we have Aja, who despite being what a certain stunner may call a "messy queen" was immediately more likeable to me. Aja's tantrums are at this point things of legend, with her "Linda Evangelista" meltdown spawning memes, t-shirts, and a whole song in its honour. But far from turning me off her, Aja's point of showing her own vulnerability in such an unguarded and unmanufactured way just makes me like her even more; and it helps that she consistently turns out great runway looks. I truly didn't think that Aja's performance in 9021-HO was bad; but really, none of the queens (apart from possibly Nina) had any major flubs this episode, and someone had to go. It's a shame but it seems as though Aja's workroom drama overshadowed her performance and ultimately led to her dismissal. At this point, my main question about this series is just how Farrah Moan has managed to keep her claws in the competition for so long. This girl is a ticking timebomb to go and I'm really shocked that shes outlasted someone like the incomporable Charlie Hides considering how many times she's lip synced. My crystal ball is telling me she won't last another week.
  2. Is your last name Jenner? You're gorgeous!
  3. YASSS! I guess she was really desperate for some real money after she didn't make anything off ANTI... @AARmy, what's good?
  4. Work those skinny camera angles sis!
  5. The sad thing is she'd legitimately do a better job than the human Cheeto in power at the moment...
  6. Your boyfriend's dick, I guess it has hallucinogenic qualities!
  7. Just found this online and thought it was an interesting comparison between the two albums... A deteriorating public image in which they become the singer everyone loves to hate, matched with only moderately received singles and controversy over their politics... Is KP4 Katy Perry's ARTPOP/Britney Jean/Me...I Am Mariah. The Elusive Chanteuse era?
  8. This looks great, I love your choice of photo! If you need album artwork requests you should check my thread for it, I have a huge selection for you to choose from.
  9. It's not an opinion! Britney Jean and Fatte Female weren't even sung by her, so how can they be her best albums?
  10. Such a messy release tbh. From the hundreds of leaks to the UNSOLVED mess to the early vinyl release...It's clear she has no idea what she's doing.
  11. Glory is the third best album of her career tho... @Baby V Alex:
  12. YASSS! I love all of these you guys! Thank you so much for your hard work, I'm lucky to have such good friends.
  13. Katy's ARTPOP era is truly here... Time to move on and work on that jazz album with Michael Buble ASAP!
  14. I completely forgot about this! @low kii savage, people are thirsting for a new Lana album so you better give them this one!
  15. If you really need some inspiration then feel free to take a look at my Album Artwork Requests thread. Idk if there's any artists on that list you even care about but I have a huge amount of my iTunes with no cover art so if you need something to do I can definitely hook you up!
  16. The Gaga one is gorgeous!
  17. THESE ARE SO GOOD! Why have you been holding out on us?
  18. You're sick and I have reported you to the Tumblr police for triggering my suicidal thoughts. You will never sleep again while they accuse of you bigotry and privilege for the rest of your life.
  19. Does she sing in English?
  20. You're giving me Tila Tequila teas! I stay stanning that girl not for her mediocre music but for her incredible talent to be a hot mess.
  21. People on PHF who make twenty posts a day until they hit 100 posts and then immediately stop... :tanya: 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Whoknowsmehere


      What are you talking about.  I am not even close to 100 posts.  And what does having a picture have to do with anything.  I honestly couldn't care less about achieving enough status to gain access to any hidden sections here.  All I want to accomplish is to have funand when possible give a little back to the community.  I have had a private conversation with Countess and was assured that I am doing nothing wrong.   Before you want someone banned you should at the very least make an honest attempt to get to know the person.   I think you will discover that I am a very honest individual.  And in no way attempting to anything nefarious.

    3. JennieRubyJane


      You aren't doing anything wrong, it was a joke. Profile pictures make accounts more personal. That's all I was saying. ? @Whoknowsmehere

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      This status update is juicy...:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

  22. Oh yeah! This is what I mean, it's such a seamless edit that I didn't even notice the differences!
  23. The only thing fat about me is my wallet tho sis!
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