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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. If a Grammy is so easy to get then why hasn't Katy gotten one in the past ten years she's been working? And why has Aurora never even been invited to the ceremony?
  2. 2/10... It's not a horrible song but it's pretty much the same as the rest of the shit she puts out.
  3. 'I Have Questions' and 'Malibu' sound sooo good! You need to teach me how you produce your vocals, they always sound so professional!
  4. Yasss, my favourite song on the album! Maybe the one where she's holding a mic or something?
  5. It's because she's lost her conservative southern fanbase with her Hillary support, her straight male fanbase with her haircut, and her teenage Tumblr fanbase with her act of being "woke" which was followed up by a collaboration with homophobes. But like @lightyears said, it's also because the media has built her up for long enough and they're now deciding that it's time to tear her down. No matter what she does with her music right now it will never be good enough. All she can hope for now is that someone tries to bomb one of her concerts so that the public will love her again.
  6. Right? 'On My Way' is one of the only songs I listen to from Lea...
  7. Unoriginal af.
  8. Right? I'm pissed she's trying so hard to be edgy by working with PC Music but she didn't release anything last month when everyone else on the label was.
  9. The first trailer for Raven's Home is out! It looks kinda funny so far so I'm hoping it will turn out well...Still not sure about the lead role but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  10. But XTina's was written by her PR manager, and CupcakKe doesn't even know how to hand write shit...
  11. I've never been so proud to be a fag. This is the sweetest thing I've ever read and I love that she wrote it all herself!
  12. It's the fourth last episode of this season of Drag Race, and only the second last episode which will be set in our beloved work room. With the pressure mounting every week, the producers have clearly decided to give all the girls full on panic attacks by introducing a ball episode to the show. Each of the five remaining girls has to come up with three distinct looks for three different categories, as well as work out choreography for a dance number further down the line. Sasha won the puppeteering mini-challenge, but this turned out to be a curse in disguise as she was then asked to choreograph the rhythmic gymnastic routine that would constitute part of the main challenge. The end product of Sasha's hard work was actually pretty good for someone who professes to be so bad at dance, but we can only imagine how hard it must be trying to tell Alexis Michelle what to do - she was practically turning green with envy. The main part of the challenge was the three categories the queens were asked to walk in - Rainbow-She-Betta-Do, Sexy Unicorn and Village People Eleganza Extravaganza. I have to say that all of the queens did an amazing job in these categories, and looked the best they ever have - bar Alexis Michelle. To be fair to Alexis, she was given the native American village people look to work with, which was always going to be the hardest to do while avoiding accusations of cultural appropriation. Seriously, why was the native American idea character in the show when the producers could have just used the G.I. Village People character instead? But apart from Alexis, the other four queens did an amazing job. Shea's construction worker look was inventive, sexy and high fashion, while Trinity's interpretation of a cop was super sleek. Sasha struggled a little to stick to the brief, but her outfits were consistently gorgeous and completely on brand for her drag persona; while Peppermint had some good ideas even if they were executed a little messily. The unicorn category was pretty bizarre to be honest and I can't say I loved any of the looks there, but kudos to Sasha and Shea for giving it their all anyway. Ultimately, Shea won largely on the back of her construction worker outfit, which I'm not quite sure was a good enough reason to snatch the trophy for this week. It's hard to believe that Sasha still has yet to have a win on her own, and I would have liked to see her get some recognition for her consistency throughout the competition. Predictably, Alexis was the one to leave this week and all I have to really say is good riddance. Alexis was really the Roxxxy Andrews of this competition: a big, theatrical queen who clearly thinks she's a lot better than anyone else does and who's kept long past her due by date just for the drama she causes. I won't be sad to see her go, but I'll love watching her walk away.
  13. Fair enough! I think I'll still be listening to the winning song a year from now but I can't imagine myself listening to any of the others, they all sound pretty disposable to me.
  14. This has such a good cast that I'm probably gonna go see it regardless of whether it's good or not. BUT, the moustache is kind of ridiculous and I don't know how I feel about them making such a serious adaptation. I think I'd prefer a more light-hearted, comical approach. What do you guys think?
  15. Yasss! The X photoshoot and album artwork was stunning!
  16. I LOVE the idea of a Studio Ghibli theme park, but I wish it was for all the movies and not just Totoro! I need to ride around in Howl's Moving Castle or ride a broomstick with Kiki.
  17. You got me there sis! The fact they used her for publicity in two movies only to discard her when the third one came out...
  18. Her character is totally infuriating and yet somehow completely relatable and loveable...They do such a good job of humanising her imo!
  19. I guess so. But couldn't they follow them as they went into college or got jobs?
  20. She has a solo project now? Did they get a divorce or something?
  21. Oh my god! Amazing work, this is a million times better than the official!
  22. Are you delusional?
  23. I'd be here for a kinda futuristic R&B album, especially because she's never really explored that kinda synthy sound before! That said, it might alienate a lot of the fans she already has from the adult contemporary stations she's played on nowadays...
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