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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I wanna know who it was about tho!
  2. All of your latest ones are so good. 'Pretty Girls' and 'Ooh La La' are better than the originals tbh, and I didn't even think those combos would work at all just based on the titles! Good work boo!
  3. The more you look into it the more amazing it is that she got elected at all! I looked at the Wikipedia article as well, it's so crazy to see how homosexuality was illegal one year and then legal the next...I never realised what a hot topic it was throughout all these centuries. Either way I hope she does a good job and doesn't get abused too much for her sexuality or gender.
  4. Something about the melody is off in that moment right before the chorus, but that's really my only complaint. Other than that I really enjoy it! The instrumental is really pretty and your voice sounds gorgeous as per usual. You better sell that shit to Camila ASAP!
  5. America is shaking tbh, they couldn't even deal with a woman let alone a gay woman...
  6. Iconic! It's amazing to see that even a country as conservative as Serbia can be this open-minded and look past peoples genetics to see them for the leaders they are. I hope she does well!
  7. Queen of Beauty Competitions! When will your ugly fave?
  8. The Princess of Pop back at it again! :cackle: 

    "Willie, Willie, where are we?!" :cackle: 

  9. If anything I feel like it might be easier to be gay or feminine and black... Prince, Michael, RuPaul and others were all able to be successful because they were black and so not seen as a threat. That's how you could interpret it anyway.
  10. I honestly thought the same thing. Although I was surprised by how glaringly honest she was about her drug use, I hope that means she's headed in the right direction.
  12. @Deactivate left the site boo, sorry.
  13. Belt it out, Destiny Hope!
  14. You realise you are nowhere near to being fat, right? You're seriously perfect, so many people would be jealous of your body! You caught me sis! My true colours of pube loving have been exposed! From fem to masc with just a haircut!
  15. Her and Iggy will sing 'Fancy' for the rest of their lives and never have another hit...
  16. What do you mean? There's already a yellow stripe for the Chinese, it's just blacks and whites who are being discriminated against!
  17. "They're not loud at all. They're horrible, they should do better."


    Another iconic mic failure from Ms. Britney Spears!

    1. JennieRubyJane


      This is so awkward to hear oh my god

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Ashley Frangipane Right? This is almost as bad as "My pussy is hanging out"... :shocked: 

  18. It's still better than whatever hillbilly mess Taylor's first album was meant to be tho... True, it's definitely Katy's time to be pushed down at the moment. But it will be interesting to see if Taylor can rise to the top again when she releases a new album...I think she's waiting for people to forget about what a cunt she is before she releases more music. At least this has sidelined the whole Katy and Gaga drama, that shit was boring af after five years...
  19. Don't worry, apparently they made up off camera and had a good old fashioned handshake...
  20. Aww, I didn't mind the lyrics of the last album that much! I guess they were pretty vanilla but I feel like that suits her personality, so at least we know she made the album she wanted to make.
  21. Tbh the confusing dungeons were always my least favourite part of Zelda so I'd be happy with a larger overworld and smaller dungeons. But a strong Princess Zelda is always good! Do we have the return of King Sheik yet?
  22. Well then you have every right to feel that way. I agree with you tho, the whole Manchester charity concert was so full of love and positivity, it made me really happy to see.
  23. They definitely have similiar structures, but then again so did 'Work From Home' and that was released months before 'Come First'...The beats are pretty similiar tho but sadly for them I don't think they're close enough to warrant a lawsuit.
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