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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This looks so cool! I wish that they had a Mac version, I would download it in a minute. Speaking of fan projects, did anyone ever see the fan-made Tomb Raider games starring Amanda Lepore? Some of these make me cry with laughter...
  2. I don't think my ass would survive tbh. I can barely take one for five minutes, let alone ten for hours. But it's a hot fantasy anyway!
  3. Poor Cheryl, she had the chance to jump on will.i.am's dick and she turned it down...
  4. I'm impressed. The song is a lot better than I thought it would be for someone who the tragic @Tweener stans. I especially like the verses, although the chorus is a little too repetitive for my tastes. Still, #Justice4Bonnie!
  5. I will NOT tolerate Lana shade on my forum. Expect your ban notice in your inbox soon.
  6. I don't think that was shade, she literally said a few questions earlier "I'm here to dance and the wildest thing I've done is, oooh, I danced 'til 4." If she wants to convince people she's not lip syncing she needs to try harder.
  7. I actually really like the album cover... I see what you mean about negative space but I think there's so much going on it's nice for your eyes to have a rest! And the hair isn't as bad as it could have been. I'd like to see your version anyway tho.
  8. @Tweener, you have to use the second one! It's flawless!
  9. I forgot that 'Disaster' era even existed, she has way too many label changes to keep up with! Maybe it would be better for this girl to just quit all labels and release things independently, it worked for Chance the Rapper. The thing is that Rihanna was never signed to the Roc Nation record label, only the management firm. She only signed to the record label portion in 2014 which is when her career started going downhill. Kanye I don't think was ever signed to the label but he partnered with them in 2014, which is again when things started going downhill for his career tbh. At least Madonna had a hit with Alanis I guess.
  10. Still waiting for the Gaga x Elton theme song... That duet would have been so iconic!
  11. You're right, 'Confessions of a Broken Heart' is still a truly beautiful track! And more revealing than every episode of the Oprah docu-series combined!
  12. You got me sis! I'm using my Illuminati time machine to go backwards and forwards in time just to argue with crazy conspiracy theorists on the Internet and maintain my incredible response time! I'd love to know what evidence you have about Britney being replaced by a clone other than some messy unreleased song lyrics and a few shots of her without her monthly botox appointments. Please call me when you have the receipt of Jive Records buying her clone. Until then, I'll keep you in my prayers every night.
  13. What kind of messy Beautiful Mind throwaway comment bullshit it this? At the end of the day, it was Christine's choice to appear in this video and she shouldn't have done it if she had a problem with her weight being referenced. It's not as though they could have had her doing stand up comedy over the track, it should have been obvious that all the jokes would have been visual.
  14. TAKE IT BACK! The Last Of Us is one of the best games I've ever played! OF ALL TIME! Tbh, I'm kinda over the open world trend. The maps always get boring, there's never enough to do and it gets tiring walking around everywhere. The only game that pulled it off successfully was Fallout 4 imo.
  15. Another day, another hole in the sinking ship that is Katy Perry's Witness album. So far this era, Katy has been accused of cultural appropriation, approving of misogyny and homophobia, and being an all around tryhard mess. Now, with the release of her latest music video for 'Swish Swish', Katy has proven the latter, while adding a new SJW buzz word to the description of herself: fat shamer. The 'Swish Swish' video was released several days ago, and features Perry putting together a group of misfit sportsmen - the Tigers - to take down a group of pro basketballers - the Sheep. Over the course of the video, Katy's crew - which includes people such as Backpack Kid, known as Pack Man; choreographer Dexter Mayfield, known as Hair Jordan; and YouTube vlogger Christine Sydelko, referred to as Shaquille O'Meals - learn to channel their negative moments into positive earnings and ultimately win the game. But not everyone was happy about Sydelko's appearance in the video. Over the course of the six and a half minute clip, Sydelko chows down on some tacos, eats a basketball and then burps it back up, and seduces one of her opponents over a tortilla. According to Twitter, this was unforgiveable "fat shaming" which turned Sydelko's appearance into one big fat joke and made the video unwatchable. The situation was made worse when Sydelko's vlogging partner, Elijah Daniel, took to Twitter to vent his frustrations on her behalf. The two YouTubers also took to their channel later on to react to the video live. While Elijah continued his tirade against Perry, Christine was understandably more diplomatic, and said that she wasn't offended by the video in the slightest. For our part, while we understand the point that Twitter users were trying to make, we frankly think that Christine should be thankful for even being given the opportunity to star in a music video from one of the worlds biggest stars. 'Swish Swish' currently has over 40 million views which is more than Elijah and Christine's channel put together, and will be syndicated worldwide in countries around the globe. That's exposure YouTube could never get you. Christine also claims that she was unaware of the emphasis that would be placed on her weight in the video, which is standard practise for most music videos which don't want to reveal their plots before release. However, there was no mention of her ever trying to voice her concerns about the video to the director and if worse had come to worse she could have simply refused to participate. In our opinion, this is simply another case of someone taking the money and exposure a star will give them, before turning around and spitting in their face for more publicity. But what are your thoughts?
  16. I've actually never watched an episode of the original show...Am I a bad gay?
  17. 'Chained to the Rhythm' and 'Witness' are really the only listenable songs on the entire album honestly...But you're right, it will be interesting to see where she goes next! I think the best plan of attack is to disappear for a few years and stay relevant with some relationship drama and TV roles, then come back with a new sound and hope she hasn't been forgotten.
  18. They were probably just listening to her breath over a megaphone and mistaking it for a new single...
  19. What kind of blowjob did you give to Satan to make this stunning looking post? I love the idea of using a background image! I've heard about this game a few times but I'm not too sure if I'll grab it yet...I feel like nothing is gonna live up to The Last Of Us for me. I may check it out if it gets good reviews tho!
  20. MINE WAS THE SAME! Kids these days will never know how hard we worked for those ugly bats! A Shiny Unown is pretty cool, you must have been so excited! Idk wtf a Hippopotas is tho...
  21. I'm sure it will That's a good idea! I'm not sad or anything, just stressed and tired and I find it difficult to get out of bed and face the world sometimes.
  22. "Beautiful" and "hipster" are two words that don't belong in the same sentence. But keep working on it baby! You'll loosen up eventually! STOP GETTING MY HOPES UP! I have no idea why you're taking selfies instead of fixing your bloody nose, but you look hot af in these pics, especially in the mirror selfie! You look great in the first pic! That's your angle for sure!
  23. I definitely do! Thank you for the well wishes, I've been oversleeping way too much this week but I'm hoping it will pass!
  24. I forgot about Pokémon Stars! If the rumours are true then I might go ahead and buy a Switch as well, but they'd have a lot to live up to with that game if it turned out to actually be coming.
  25. I haven't been watching the show since Trish left but I saw that Sarah won...really? She was a total mess, completely unlikeable and one of the most inflammatory contestants in the house. Trish made a video saying that Sarah's contract stated that she had to win the show for her to participate and for once I think she may be right.
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