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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. You better rock up to the spot looking like this or I don't think he's gonna be interested.
  2. I agree with you 100%, although it does suck for people who bought tickets to Rock In Rio just to see her perform. Especially because she hasn't toured South America for like three eras. It sucks that it's happened, but I have to say I'm super glad that it's just a postponement and not an entire cancellation. I don't think I could live with another Born This Way Ball situation! Although is it bad that I feel this may just be promo for her documentary?
  3. Could you please draw a photo of @SpeedofGays naked eating shit out of @trayertrash's hairy butthole?
  4. Poor Fergie Ferg... First she has a flop of an album and now this! I can't help but feel as though the timing is a little too coincidental and is just here to promo Double Dutchess tho. Although I'm a little surprised, they seemed like a pretty strong and cute couple!
  5. Happy late birthday my darling! <3 Hope you had a great day filled with all of the Mariah you need and deserve! <3


    1. mceyedol


      Thank you I did.... i was spoilt rotten :)

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I'm glad to hear it, I know you deserve all the finest things hun. ;) 

  6. I'm getting more and more excited for this documentary by the second! She's had so much going on in the last year, from Joanne to the Super Bowl to her friend dying to her engagement ending to all her health issues. I really hope this gives people more respect for her and I hope she gets a few songs in there so people can enjoy her voice as well.
  7. Marina and the Diamonds has written an expansive letter implying that she may quit music - at least for the time being. The one hit wonder, who was once on the brink of superstardom with her songs 'Primadonna' and 'How To Be A Heartbreaker', launched an entirely new website just for the letter entitled 'marinabook'. According to Marina, starting marinabook was a way to "explore different interests" and for her to "stay connected" with her fans while she works out her identity. Fans will remember that Marina has explored different personas throughout hre career, particularly on the album Electra Heart. "I explored this in Electra Heart by deconstructing aspects of female identity in a portrayal of female archetypes," she mentioned. But it seems as though she's now trying to access the core of who she is, without the fantastical mask of a character to hide behind. Part of this apparently involves a psychology course, which Marina sees as a "brand new chapter" in her life. "I’m grateful to have the opportunity to explore different interests," she said, adding that "I am indeed going through my “what should I do with the rest of my life” phase that most people go through at 21." Check out the full letter below and let us know what you think in the comments section!
  8. He wrote this article for @SpeedofGays I guess...
  9. Yes! Him, Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch are currently at the top of my list.
  10. What was the username you wanted to nab? I can send them an e-mail and if they don't respond in a while I can just delete their account. It was a play on the #GodHatesFags trend and also the fact that when we started every female artist was being accused of using gays for publicity (i.e. Gaga, Katy etc.). So we thought it would be a fun name to reflect that mess and allude to our huge Christian fanbase!
  11. I'll have to remind myself to be more like you next time I can't sleep. It's annoying when you have to be up early the next morning but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! I really don't know what I'd do if my mum passed away tbh, I think I'd have a complete breakdown and I don't know if I'd ever really get over it. I think that's normal in terms of the funeral though, you were probably in shock for a little while but hopefully the ceremony at least gave you some closure. Also, I just wanted to say I'm so proud to see so many members of the #PHFamily coming together and supporting each other in this thread! @eyb0ss, @Obsessed, @Bryan and @dangerousmixers, I just read all of your posts and it was inspiring to see you guys be so open and brave about your feelings. Y'all really help to make me feel like I'm not alone in this struggle and give me some good coping mechanisms. I love you guys.
  12. You're so cute! I hate gardening but I might be getting a puppy soon, so if that's the case I'll definitely be getting out of the house a bit!
  13. @Tweener, congrats on having Alexz RT this!
  14. I still haven't listened to the album in full but your review has sold me on downloading it! Good job boo!
  15. You should check out her Chicken Fingers and Lipo and Daddy Issues EPs! The rest of her music is super poorly produced but those EPs are stellar, you're gonna love them.
  16. Poor Gaga... I truly believe she's the most genuinely caring person in pop music when it comes to her fans, to the point where it's actually unhealthy. She works herself too hard and worries so much about disappointing people that she makes herself sick. Just do you Gaga, your fans love you no matter what!
  18. It's still a little too "Disney Channel star trying too hard to be cool after leaving the network" for me, but it's not bad. Her Kylie Jenner glow up is looking great as well!
  19. I hope so too! Kelly is so talented and sweet and she really deserves all the best in her career. It will be interesting to hear what she sounds like without any record label intervention, I hope her music stays just as catchy as ever.
  20. You're lucky to have such a good group of friends, I feel lucky that PHF has been added to that circle. Let us know how it goes, we're always here to chat if you need us!
  21. It's not divisive at all. 90% of people understand that someone's weight has nothing to do with anyone other than themselves and that as long as they feel good about themselves it shouldn't matter. The only people who don't realise that are grossly entitled and privileged straight guys, and apparently you. And Kesha's had her first #1 album since Animal with Rainbow as well as her most critically acclaimed album ever. I don't think you have to worry about her repeating her successes.
  22. I think I'd prefer for Kesha to make out with Ed Sheeran.
  23. Are you fucking retarded? Kesha literally had an eating disorder during that entire era...
  24. I hate how they promoed this when Cher released it as a single... She performed it live a few times on huge shows but it had no promo push or music video to back it up. Meanwhile 'Take It Like A Man' gets a video full of gay porn stars.
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