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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Sorry to hear about your friend, I guess I wouldn't have made this kind of a joke to anyone who was personally affected by this tragedy. But it sounds like we have very different opinions on comedy because I'm pretty much of the opinion that anything's fair game regardless of how long ago it happened. If you can't laugh, you'll cry, so we might as well take this crazy world for what it is and joke about it if we can! Australia made our gun laws super strict in 1996 since the Port Arthur massacre, and ever since then we haven't had a single mass shooting. Imo, that really says all you'll ever need to know about what the right solution for America is going forward. The fact it's even a discussion over there is sad. And the thing about gay people not being able to donate blood is some stupid and outdated rule that goes back to the AIDS epidemic, I have no idea why it's still even in effect tbh.
  2. Who is he calling the police on? Me? He can't do anything to me, I live in some tiny island called Australia that no one can even find on a map!
  3. Apparently his manager confirmed that they did attempt to revive him from the cardiac arrest but sadly it was unsuccessful. Rest in peace to him. I can't say I was that familiar with his music but I know he was a big deal! I'll keep his family in my thoughts today.
  4. @Ari, @Reflecting and @jaycoolguy, do y'all have friends or family who were involved in this shooting? Because if not you have no more reason to care about these twenty people who died than the 465 000 people who have died in the Syrian War over the past six years, and yet y'all are acting much more sensitive about this than you would if I made a joke about dead Syrians... I 100% agree with you! Maybe it's because we're from countries where guns are much more difficult to receive? Here in Australia at least, guns were 99% outlawed back in 1996 and since then we haven't had a single mass shooting. Meanwhile Americans suffer through a mass shooting pretty much every week and yet they still won't even consider changing their policies on firearms. It's sad and sick.
  5. An iconic meltdown... Trisha Paytas is shaking!
  6. You deserve it boo, congratulations on doing such a great job writing it!
  7. I'm so tempted to make a joke about people attending Jason Aldean concerts deserving to die but I'm gonna restrain myself because I'm trying to not be a ho this week... But honestly, as sad as I find this I find it difficult to be sympathetic towards Americans when they struggle with terrorist attacks. I love America and all it stands for but the gun laws over there are ridiculous, and the majority of the population seems to agree with them. Every time a mass shooting happens people talk about stricter gun regulations for about a week and then forget about it again. If Americans really want to stop these horrible kinds of events happening they need to get their shit together and control their firearms.
  8. Omfg awww, that's actually so incredibly sweet! So they just come and go as they please? How adorable, you're like an orphanage for unwanted kitties. My dog actually took himself outside to poo the other day so I'm super proud of him, I'll let you know how he goes over the next few weeks.
  9. Melissa has been flopping lately and Slenderman is incredibly 2015 so I can imagine this doing well! I guess the Star Wars film will be pretty big but they're attracting different demos so hopefully this can still be a hit.
  10. That's actually really true! I guess the majority of the market there must be elderly now so it will be interesting to see if they like the older artists or if they're still trying to be young and hip. Good for Namie either way!
  11. The video definitely wouldn't have made any sense to me if I hadn't seen the Oprah interview, I think that's the key to understanding it! Even then, there's things I don't necessarily get like the scenes where she's a housewife or with a little girl in the forest...Are these all flashbacks to her as a child?
  12. Happy birthday my darling! <3 I hope you have an amazing day and a great pity party for your special day. ;) Love you!

    1. CharliXCX


      It was pretty good thank you so much ❤️ I love you and this website so much ugh 

  13. The only song I've ever really liked from her is 'Come', but I'll be sad on behalf of her fans to watch her go! I'm lowkey hoping for them that she'll do a Cher and make a comeback a decade from now or something. Is her run in pop music the longest one we have for a female in Japan tho? I feel like over there it's very much a young person's game so the fact she's done so well up until age 40 is great!
  14. Awww, congrats to Khloe! She's going to be a great mum! I just hope that this guy is good for her and doesn't run out on her like all of her past relationships, she deserves a nice guy.
  15. Tbh, in the last season of KUWTK it seemed like Kim was pretty set against having another baby herself, so I'm pretty sure she'd use a surrogate if she was having another child (which she's confirmed she is). The question is just whether it's going to be Khloe or someone random! I'm not sure I can see Khloe sacrificing her body for Kim tho.
  16. I wonder just how many "loved ones" he was surrounded by... Honestly I'm not super sad about this because I've always had mixed feelings on the guy. On the one hand, he did great things for feminism, restored the Hollywood sign and launched Marilyn Monroe even further into the mainstream, and I loved his blend of sex and current affairs. On the other hand, he called Trisha Paytas fat, and deserved to die.
  17. This has been moved up to May of next year! I'm excited for the movie but I can't WAIT for the soundtrack!
  18. Six cats? I never took you for a crazy cat lady! How long did it take to toilet train your dog? He's only ten weeks old so I'm sure he'll learn, but I've heard it takes like six months for some dogs which sounds so difficult...
  19. Y'all are so extra to make such a big deal out of this minor mistake that she made... Meanwhile Remy Ma tried to kill her best friend and y'all are running around stanning her.
  20. Why does this messy ass drama thread have more responses than any of the flawless articles I've written on PHF for the fast few months? I can see why this forum has the word flop in the title...
  21. lyke this post if u cry everi time!!!
  22. I think you're right, but I can't help but feel like it's all hype and has no basis in reality.
  23. Oooh, I'll have to check it out then! Maybe before the new season comes out I'll watch a few episodes and let y'all know what I think.
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