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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Exactly. The fact 'Despacito' was nominated for anything proves that you're right and the Grammy's is null and void.
  2. PHF tired of people who tell what to do in Dami Im career Although I have to say this song is really gorgeous, she's definitely having her XTina 'Beautiful' moment with this one!
  3. I have to admit I've never actually played it, but all the reception I heard from critics and friends said it was missing a lot of the basic features that made the previous games fun, like character customisation and swimming pools. I think they've updated it since then to add a lot more features but from what I've heard The Sims 3 is still better.
  4. I agree with you 100%! His concepts are always top notch but his execution is messy as hell...What he really needs is someone who can take all of his ideas and form a consistent season out of them.
  5. Can she really blame you? She clearly doesn't take her career seriously so I'm not sure why she expects her fans to at this point. What did she say? Anyway, she still hasn't responded to the interview questions we sent like two years ago, so bitch can choke.
  6. Charlie Sheen is known as Hollywood's typical party boy: partaking in long binges of alcohol and drug abuse, partying with the strippers and porn stars he knows as his "angels" and coming up with catchphrases such as "winning". It's a stereotype that he's been able to use to his advantage in projects such as the hit Two And A Half Men. But it seems that there's a dark side to this type of archetype, if recent allegations from actor Dominick Brascia are to be believed. According to Brascia, his close friend Corey Haim had informed him before he died that Sheen had had sex with his co-star Corey Haim while on the set of the film Lucas. The issue? That Sheen was 19 at the time, while Haim was only 13. "Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed Lucas. He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested," he alleged in an interview with The National Enquirer. According to Brascia, this was not the only time the two had paired up. Haim allegedly had sex with Sheen again, but didn't enjoy it and "was finally over Sheen". Younger readers may not know much about Haim, but he was the quintessential child star. Famous at a young age for his teen idol status and for starring in films such as The Lost Boys and Lucas, he became known for starring in the former with friend Corey Feldman, and the two became known as The Two Coreys. Predictably, Haim's early success scarred him and he was troubled by drug addiction throughout his career, ultimately passing away in 2010 at age 38. Feldman himself had previously alleged that both he and Haim had been sexually abused by people in the industry as child stars. "There are people that did this to me and Corey that are still working, they’re still out there, and they’re some of the most rich and powerful people in this business. And they do not want what I’m saying right now. They want me dead," he said in an interview on The View. While it's unlikely that the charges against Sheen will ever be proven either way, The Daily Beast collected a selection of Sheen's antics that are definitely worth a look. Check them out below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
  7. Hello how are you? Can I hand over to Ameeria Yuri's leaked song from the last CD?
  8. This actually looks really good! Penelope is killing that Donatella vibe and Darren Criss is actually showing some talent for the first time in his life. I'm looking forward to this!
  9. Really? Won't this be her first album in like ten years or so? I still have mixed feelings about ARTPOP and can't decide if I love or hate it... But it definitely had some amazing songs like 'Do What U Want' and 'Fashion!'. I would be okay with an album full of songs like 'The Cure' if she could have a few RedOne productions like Scheiße in there as well.
  10. The first trailer for Marvel's upcoming blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War is now out! I haven't loved the last few Marvel movies I've seen but I'm definitley gonna have to check this one out if just for the amazing cast in there. I really don't think they could pack in one more star!
  11. What have Katy, Miley or Demi done to earn any nominations? Katy's album was universally slammed, Miley's was forgotten about after a day and most people don't even know that Demi's released anything since 'Cool for the Summer'. I will agree that 'New Rules' deserved a nomination though. Right? And not only that, but black or Latino males as well...Why is the Grammys suddenly interested in rappers when no one's even heard of these Childish Gambino or Jay-Z albums? I'm starting to think we need 'Best Female Album' and 'Best Male Album' just so our pop girls can get the recognition they deserve.
  12. That would be the logical next step I guess! Maybe get Billie Lourd in there somewhere just to continue the bloodline. Tbh I doubt they'll get any of the original actors for HSM, they'll probably get a brand new cast and market it as High School Musical: The New Generation or something like that. Although if we're lucky we might get cameos from Ashley and Lucas as the drama teachers or something!
  13. My hard drive broke down a few months ago so I've been out of the loop in the cover world, but these all look incredible! Keep up the awesome Aly & AJ ones especially!
  14. $122 million wasted which could have gone towards shelters for homeless youth, battered women or refugees from war-torn nations... It's actually gross. We did look into getting another one sent out but by the time my mum looked into it the cutoff date had already come and gone sadly. And you're right, it totally should have been mandatory! They easily could have included it as a question in the census which would have saved time and money. They're ridiculous.
  15. Here's a status about Overwatch because I wanna fit in with the cool crowd... :awkwardney: 

    1. Reflecting
    2. choke


      Yasssss welcome henny :wink:

  16. I'm happy for her and I hope everything goes smoothly with the surrogate! Honestly, it's kind of cool that something which is still in some ways frowned upon is so in the public eye and hopefully on the TV show as well.
  17. Because she's literally been teasing a second album since 2007 and it's now been more than a decade... A mixtape is more plausible but I don't think she even cares enough to do that tbh. I agree with you on XTina! I really think she was meant to launch an album earlier this year after she released 'Change' but I'm not sure why it was postponed or cancelled...
  18. And this right here is why I'm not a part of the gay community... #PopHatesFags
  19. Not you trynna make Dannii Minogue seem like anything more than a wannabe tho...
  20. Not you putting Cassie on this list as though there's any chance of her releasing another album again in our lifetime... But don't forget about XTina's long awaited album as well!
  21. How have I never even heard of this series before? Although I get the feeling it wouldn't be the same without the iconic Debbie Reynolds!
  22. Not too sure about this news right now...The last two Star Wars movies have been brilliant but I kind of feel like with the trilogy, a new trilogy, the spin-off films and now a TV show it will be overkill. The Monsters Inc. series will probably be good for little kids, although I'm weirdly excited for the HSM series, even though I never liked the movies when I was younger... I just hope Sharpay makes a glorious return as the high school drama teacher!
  23. Idk if y'all have seen this on social media already, but Nintendo released a new Pokémon movie for the series' twentieth anniversary called Pokémon: I Choose You! The movie is a retelling of the first few episodes of the anime but with some huge differences. Naturally all of the original voice actors have already been fired, so we're already missing them: but they also decided to have Pikachu speak a few lines in English which is just fuuucked. Not only is the whole concept stupid, but the voice they chose was so bad and it made me so uncomfortable. Even worse, Misty and Brock have been erased from the series and replaced with these two fucking annoying kids who no one cares about. I hate this whole concept and how much they're shitting on the series original fans! I know y'all have to be pissed off with me about this!
  24. The only person I've really met was Gaga (twice) which I made a video about on my YouTube channel. She didn't stop but as she passed by us she said, "Oh, hello!" in the most posh way possible which was so adorable. You're so lucky you were able to meet Carly! Was she as sweet as she comes across on camera? You better drag your fave for filth bitch!
  25. Omfg, you are sooo kind to me! I can't with how supportive you are, thank you boo. I'm hoping to have an eight track EP released by the end of the year but I was trying for that last year as well and it never ended up happening so I'm not sure I'll get it out tbh... But reading your nice message inspires me to keep going, thank you! I love my fans so much! Stay tuned for my new album FANTA where I expose the #PHFamily for cheating on me with ATRL.
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