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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/13/2015 in all areas

  1. The Queen Bee The Minions The Mean Girls The Cheerleaders The Jocks The Stoners The Glee Club Members The Photography Club Members The Kids Who Spend all Their Money on Manic Panic The Kids Who Skip Class to Play WOW in the Library Do you agree? Is there anyone I missed? Make your own list and let me know.
    17 points
  2. Hey y'all, longtime lurker first time poster here. I listened to today's podcast interview and just wanted to spread some positivity onto this thread. Not only did Bonnie take time to reveal her inspirations, her approach to her craft, and even the technical details of songwriting that not many people at her level share (yes we've heard much of it before but still, I always love to see under the hood), she also shared stories and anecdotes that really reveal yet again how much fucking guts it takes to have a reputation like hers and put original work out into the world in an industry that has gotten harder on creatives like her. The story of her approaching labels/music industry people she knew and trusted and they made her feel small for "still" wanting to be an artist... that story made me so angry for her. The fact that the industry is as hard to break into as it is (she did it), how hard it is to succeed as it songwriter (she did it) get signed to not one but TWO labels (she did it) then go on the break out on her own and find critical and commercial success for her independent artist project (she did it)... this woman is a fucking BOSS and had show incredible brilliance and heart for decades now. I know we're joking around here, but she's the last thing from lazy or entitled... she's a human battling the kinds of insecurities that we all have, and when it comes to releasing music, she's facing the kind of challenges stakes most of us will never understand. So enjoy that leaked music, keep cheering her on, and keep cutting her some slack. She's earned it. THAT SAID... I'm so grateful for this board for being so active and dedicated to Bonnie (even when it gets a lil nasty haha) but to also just, I'm grateful for the joy this woman has brought to all of us. And if she's reading this, I just hope she really does feel the love. ❤️
    16 points
  3. Since we're in a sharing mood today, here's another goodie: the final version of Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt. It's not too different from the demo version, just a few production changes and a slightly different vocal take. But remember, good things come to those who leak the final version of Hot City... https://onlyfiles.io/f/d558c51deec1461f9d703af0639acda0
    15 points
  4. Here it is, the full version of Wild Card. Sent to me by someone on Leaked. If anyone else wants to follow in my foot steps... please https://onlyfiles.io/f/40c809b15dab47ebb9950c69987ac72e
    14 points
  5. Here's hoping Bonnie keeps the momentum going with this project! 🤞 The SLAY music video is inching closer to 150K views on YouTube, and the song should be over 70K streams on Spotify when the stats are updated today. She confirmed the album is coming "in the fall" in the Rolling Stone article, and has replied to TikTok comments saying she plans on releasing a few more singles over the course of the summer before the album drops. She also said she wants to shoot the next music video "soon" which is a little concerning, lol. Given what a perfectionist she is and how much effort went into the SLAY music video (not to mention the fact that she edited it herself) I don't imagine her throwing a music video together in a couple of weeks. Regardless I'd love to see "Forever 21" released at the end of July (the perfect summer bop 😍), "Rewind Your Heart" at the end of August (this song always gave me a reflective end of summer vibe), and the "Hot City" (with a killer music video) to coincide with the album release in September. A gay can dream...
    13 points
  6. The SLAY music video just hit 100k views on YouTube! Pretty impressive for an indie artist who's been out of the spotlight for so many years! I hope she's pleased with the response so far.
    13 points
  7. Oh enjoy this too. More to come on our BIG listening party. https://onlyfiles.io/f/033dc329aadd4e0d9e6f504292af6bf8
    13 points
  8. I adore Bonnie, and have been a diehard fan of hers forever, but I think one of the biggest things holding her back is constantly comparing herself to her peers. She had a record deal, then lost it. She had a second shot, then lost it again (unfairly might I add). She had something to prove with the Bombastic EP, and it was actually wildly successful and incredibly polished for an independent release. But I think she really struggles with being independent. In her mind everything needs to be executed like a major label artist, because that's all she knows. And, unfortunately, she seems to second guess herself a lot. It would be easy to assume she's frustrated and has a fear of failing giving the experiences she's had as a performer in the music industry. Ultimately, I think that's why we haven't gotten these songs as part of an official release. She put her heart and soul into them and doesn't want to just chuck them out to little fanfare. It seems she's really been putting a lot of effort into TikTok as of late, so hopefully that will help her build some momentum. It's just unfortunate that she seems to "come and go" on social media and hasn't released anything (apart from a few features here and there) in ages. If she put out consistent releases since Bombastic, I really feel like she could have built up a huge cult following like CRJ. Let's get real, it's not because of lack of material. Bonnie is sitting on a goldmine of bops. I wish she would just let go of the idea of trying to be the next Katy Perry and believe in herself and her craft and consistently put out music independently.
    13 points
  9. I know it's been months but I'm still absolutely floored at the amount of time, energy and MONEY she put into re-releasing, re-recording and shooting videos and undertaking amazing photo shoots for Hot City. The way the whole thing came to life is just INSANE and I am so so grateful. After what felt like 10 years of screeching for her to release an album, she came through in such a big big way. I'm so grateful. Artists talk a lot about "loving" their fans but Bonnie truly truly truly came through with what was truly a labour of love for her fans. PLUS also to herself - doing justice to what always was an incredible, poptastic project that had no right being shelved or kept from her fans who loved it. So a big pat on the back for Bonnie, and for the fans who supported her throughout her career.
    12 points
  10. Let me mirror something that I commented on another forum about my feelings hearing this album: how the hell did her then-label got all theses songs from her and thought there wasn't a hit on the record? Truly baffling. I completely understand why she was so heartbroken about shelving all of those songs.
    12 points
  11. Can we also talk about how GOOD Bonnie’s voice sounds? Like she sounds basically the same on the released versions vs the demos that were recorded 10+ years ago. It’s kinda insane. I’m really impressed with how she’s preserved her voice.
    12 points
  12. I hope I don't get crucified for this, but I listened to her live performance of the song and I don't think it lives up to some of her other material. "Slay" and "Forever 21" definitely sound more distinct and memorable. It's by no means a bad song, but I'm not chasing it. If it leaks, great! If it doesn't, that's okay too.
    12 points
  13. Maybe y’all should buy it & not send links 🌈
    12 points
  14. Ok, so I'm adding ALL the songs registered on Bonnie's ASCAP/BMI to the list because I get the impression y'all really like the encyclopedic information regarding song credits and release dates and all that. This will also make the list more complete and exhaustive, and will be a great reference point for any fans new to Bonnie's oeuvre. Should I edit the original post, or make a new one?
    12 points
  15. The album isn't even out in the US yet and I am absolutely floored how negative some of you have no qualms about being. Why do you have to have such negative HOT TAKES that you bring here to influence other people to not like a song before they have a chance to hear it? Why not sit with the album for awhile? I feel like since this forum is LITERALLY why this album exists (and considering the we know Bonnie is reading), we could focus on what we actually DO like from the album for literally one day omfg. I can't wait to listen.
    11 points
  16. 11 points
  17. It's unreal. I've been keeping myself from replaying the singles (I have a silenced playlist on loop almost all day for streams) but I don't want to overplay the songs, and I'm DYING to hear it all together. I've been fucking smiling all day for this I swear. Bonnie, the absolute LEGEND that you are. Saving the pop music industry single-handed, we have to stan.
    11 points
  18. there’s no official tracklist because the album was scrapped before it made it that far in the process. no photoshoot or title etc, only Bonnie’s concepts.
    11 points
  19. WHO THE HELL GAVE HER THE PERMISSION TO SLAY THIS HARD OMG Okay the music video is just INCREDIBLE, perfectly crafted, she is serving absolute mother, stunning visuals, talented brilliant show stopping spectacular etc etc. With the song, I adore the new production and that bridge sounds amazing! My only complaint is that I will forever despise the 1999 and the flyer than firebirds lines. Plus the S-L-A-Y chant missing hurt a little. But aside from that, the song is finally out and let's celebrate that! I really hope it does well, she's earned it. She really poured her creativity and her McUssy into this so let's support till the day we die
    11 points
  20. I listened to (my version of) the Epic album yesterday for the first time in a while, and I’m still just completely blown away by the sheer quality. I can’t believe LA Reid/Epic Records didn’t see the massive potential this album had. The fact that it will only be listened to by like… five gays on their curated Bonnie McKee playlists is criminal.
    11 points
  21. Fuck it. Here it is, Electric Heaven final: https://onlyfiles.io/f/e0c4b9a836c74f28949c3be171180a47
    11 points
  22. This thread makes me feel sooo fucking sad. I admire all of you for not being scared and sharing your stories. You really inspire ppl.... at least me. And remember that it always gets better no matter what. Sooner or later y'all are gonna find a peaceful place in your life. I KNOW IT! @Amelia Lily @Countess @IntoYouu @Speakerphone @asexualguy @Cry Baby @VisKip @shout87 @SkullPop @Kyonxharuhi2 @Alexanderrr @Impossible Ryan You are all heroes! I truly applaud your strength and bravery!
    11 points
  23. Queen of giving us 4K visuals when major label artists can't even muster anything for us. Bonnie continues to understand.
    10 points
  24. not sure if the user who wrote this comment put it here but - the user is @Crystal <3! also hi bbies been a minute
    10 points
  25. I just listened to a GREAT interview guys! Go check it out! She shared some infos regarding the whole legal drama, confirmed that Don't Get Mad Get Famous is part of the album and said that Everything But You had a pretty extensive makeover!
    10 points
  26. This is the best day ever!!! Ngl, I slightly miss the S-L-A-Y chant at the post-chorus but the production is flawless and the vibe is intact, the song is still an immaculate absolute banger! And the video is gorgeous, and the album title! Such a slay!!!
    10 points
  27. It's #13 on iTunes Brazil, I know it doesn't mean anything, but would be cool to give a #1 for Bonnie to celebrate. Let's make it happen guys 13 NEW Bonnie McKee - SLAY Brazil iTunes Top Songs (kworb.net)
    10 points
  28. Yeah, what we're not gonna do is tell Bonnie – a 39 year old woman – how she should dress. Anyway, just 11 DAYS to go now folks. It's amazing how far we've come. Cheers to 500 pages, it's been such a fun and wild ride! Who would have thought even just a year ago that "SLAY" would finally be (officially) released into the world. If it weren't for us (she's mentioned the "forums" multiple times) it may have never happened.
    10 points
  29. Can this be a lesson to all clout chasers? Hack and leak anonymously
    10 points
  30. ORIGINAL EPIC FINAL FILES SGGH original - https://onlyfiles.io/f/cbcf1640c09a4d808f0e9e4f4c22378d Wild Card original - https://onlyfiles.io/f/a59b938efb8c44f68b0bba6eb715c115 Slay 2020 final original (someone screwed with the bass on the first leak) - https://onlyfiles.io/f/765efd5a0c1d4d659b410c0c56eaf38f RYH original (whoever leaked this may have leaked the original file, but I'm posting it again just to be safe!) - https://onlyfiles.io/f/bc90ef8c15234ca88346a431333b079e And I think that's it. Electric Heaven leaked in WAV format and unedited Outlaw just leaked.
    10 points
  31. ℑ𝔫 𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔬𝔣: Bonnie Leigh McKee's music career (2003-2021) 𝔓𝔬𝔭ℌ𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔉𝔩𝔬𝔭𝔰' 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰 (Last revised on August 29, 2022) Million thanks to the living breathing Bonnie almanac @jamesmax & all the wonderful Bon Bons on here spilling all the exclusive tea they have + make sure to check out @Ice Prince's impeccable tracker as well 77% leaked Blue denotes upcoming official releases Bronze marks official releases Gray is used for unreleased/unleaked songs that are currently shrouded in mystery Green song titles are unreleased songs which leaked in full Red marks unreleased/unleaked songs that are well-known among the fans Trouble era (2003-2007) A Voice That Carries - track 5 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Confessions of a Teenage Girl - track 12 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Friends - leaked (July 5, 2022) writer(s): n/a Going on Strike - leaked writer(s): n/a Green Grass - track 7 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Honey - track 6 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee I Hold Her - track 11 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee January - track 8 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Make It Through Another Day - trouble sounding slow piano song 2007 - leaked (July 7, 2022) writer(s): n/a Marble Steps - track 9 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Mess Around - sounds old, rock influenced - leaked writer(s): n/a Met Your Match - sounds like trouble too - unleaked writer(s): n/a Monday Song - i have one called "monday song" not sure if it's the same. it's very education connection - unleaked writer(s): n/a On and On - slower song but not a ballad - unleaked writer(s): n/a On Your Side / I'm on Your Side - Bonnie's original version of a song that was eventually sold to Japanese band "Superfly" who released it as a single from their 2015 album White; Bonnie's demo was discovered on Michele McCord's (the woman who co-wrote the song) Soundcloud account writer(s): Michele McCord & Bonnie McKee Open Your Eyes - track 3 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Mark Batson & Bonnie McKee Rubber Band / Rubberband - somewhat of an anomaly on this list as it sounds like it's from a later era, but it's in fact a 2007 song - leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): n/a Saturday Again - trouble sounding - unleaked writer(s): n/a Sensitive Subject Matter - track 10 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Somebody - track 4 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Trouble - track 1 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Trouble (Alternate Version) - leaked Tune In to Me - sounds like trouble - unleaked writer(s): n/a When It All Comes Down - track 2 on Bonnie's debut album Trouble writer(s): Bonnie McKee Writing hits (2008-2012) 22nd Century - a demo Bonnie recorded for Kelis who recorded the song for her 2010 album Flesh Tone; leaked (March 23, 2022) writer(s): Jean-Baptiste Kouame, Andreas Meid, Ian O'Brien-Docker & Alexander Ridha Always Summer - a 2008 up-tempo song - leaked (July 23, 2022) writer(s): n/a Battle Royale - leaked writer(s): Andrew Wansel, Warren Felder & Sophie Stern Boy Hangover - Lester Lewis feat. Bonnie McKee, released in 2008 as a standalone single writer(s): Lester Lewis Broken Record - leaked writer(s): Jean-Baptiste Kouame, Bonnie McKee & Michael McHenry Catch Me If You Can - pitched to Britney Spears for her 7th studio album Femme Fatale, but was rejected; leaked (March 17, 2022) writer(s): Josh Abraham, Evan Bogart, Oliver Goldstein & Shari Short Crazy Boy - made in 2009 - leaked (July 23, 2022) writer(s): n/a Chasing Ghosts - LQ 2010 slower song but not a ballad - unleaked writer(s): n/a Cougars - Dirt Nasty feat. Bonnie McKee, released in 2010 as a standalone single writer(s): Simon Rex Cutright, Allan P. Grigg & Kesha Sebert Dance or Die (feat. Nicole Morier) - possibly a Britney or (more likely) a Leighton Meester pitch; leaked (March 21, 2022) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Nicole Morier Daylight - kind of a dance song - unleaked writer(s): n/a Déjà Vu - leaked writer(s): n/a DJ Play That Song for Me - previously referred to as Deadmau5 (Bonnie Mix 1), this song is an early draft of went on to become Priyanka Chopra's 2012 single Erase; although this particular version uses Deadmau5's 2011 remake of his 2001 song Aural Psynapse for the instrumental, Bonnie eventually settled for a Chainsmokers track and rewrote the chorus while keeping the original verses intact - leaked (April 14, 2022) writer(s): Joel Zimmerman & Bonnie McKee DNA - a standout track Bonnie co-wrote with Dr. Puke - leaked (March 21, 2022) writer(s): Lukasz Gottwald & Bonnie McKee Earthquake - leaked (December 21, 2015) writer(s): n/a Electric (Cory Pop idea Bonnie 2.0) - kind of a cute song, upbeat / made in 2012 - leaked (July 15, 2022) writer(s): Cory Nitta & Bonnie McKee Femme Fatale - pitched to Britney Spears for her 7th studio album Femme Fatale; it was rejected because Bonnie mispronounced the French word/phrase and it was too late to correct it - leaked (March 17, 2022) writer(s): Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Future Ex-Boyfriend - a 2009 song made around the same time as If That's Love - leaked writer(s): Jesse Owen Astin, Michelle Lewis & Luke Walker Gasoline - a demo of a song Bonnie pitched to Britney Spears for inclusion on her 7th studio album Femme Fatale, Britney wound up recording and using the song - leaked writer(s): Lukasz Gottwald, Claude Kelly, Benjamin Levin, Bonnie McKee & Emily Wright Go Getter - 2012 song, leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): Greg Kurstin & Bonnie McKee Gold Dust (Baby Love) - leaked (March 11, 2022) writer(s): Jean-Baptiste Kouame, Michael McHenry & Bonnie McKee Guilty Pleasure - upbeat 2011, the exact same instrumental was also given to singer/songwriter Range to write on (his version is called Supersonic and the lyrics are completely different); both his and Bonnie's versions have leaked (July 15, 2022) writer(s): Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen (and/or David Guetta), Sandy Wilhelm & Bonnie McKee Heartbeat - 2009 song - leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Magnum Head On - leaked writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Hit and Run - upbeat giving that victorious soundtrack realness - leaked writer(s): PJ Bianco & Bonnie McKee Hold It Against Me - a demo of the Britney Spears song of the same name which was eventually released as the lead single from her 7th studio album Femme Fatale for which Bonnie wrote many other songs on this list writer(s): Lukasz Gottwald, Mathieu Jomphe-Lepine, Max Martin & Bonnie McKee I Dare You - leaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee, Fraser T. Smith & Ina Wroldsen Infatuation - mid tempo kinda has a funk vibe - leaked (July 7, 2022) writer(s): n/a If That’s Love - a 2009 song that was used in an episode of CSI: Miami - leaked writer(s): Jesse Owen Astin, Bonnie McKee & Blake Robin It Gets Better - slower song but not ballad - leaked writer(s): Ryan Buendia, Jean-Baptiste Kouame, William Wiik Larsen, Bonnie McKee & Michael McHenry It Is What It Is - leaked writer(s): Dwayne Chin-Quee, Jean-Baptiste Kouame & Bonnie McKee I Want You - upbeat 2010, leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): n/a Laserbeam - upbeat dance track - leaked (August 5, 2022) writer(s): Martin Harrington & Bonnie McKee License to Love - 2010 song produced by Alex da Kid, leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): Alexander Grant & Bonnie McKee Lie Detector - it's giving femme fatale sessions - unleaked writer(s): n/a Light Up the Night - a Britney Spears pitch, leaked writer(s): n/a Lipstick Revolution - a song that was featured in an episode of TV series Make It Or Break It; remains unleaked writer(s): Paul Galanakis, Bonnie McKee, Simon Perry & Florence Van Wyk Looking Glass - i would compare it to lovebird vocal heavy - unleaked writer(s): Dapo Torimiro & Bonnie McKee Lovebird - Bonnie's demo of a song that was pitched to and recorded by Leona Lewis for her 2012 album Glassheart - leaked (July 23, 2022) writer(s): Joshua Coleman, Lukasz Gottwald & Bonnie McKee Mine (also You’re Mine) - a song Bonnie shot a music video for in 2009 which made its way onto YouTube; the song has never been officially released, but it's now been confirmed that it was recorded for Bonnie's first attempt at a second album prior to her work on the 2013 Epic record; other songs written for this project include Déjà Vu, Friends, Infatuation, Mess Around, Right Now, Teenage Heart, To Find You, and Worst in Me writer(s): Bonnie McKee My So Called Life (often commonly referred to as just So Called Life) - a song many people group together with Bonnie's Epic tracks as it's very similar sonically, however, it was recorded in 2010 and whether it was ever considered for the shelved 2014 album is currently unclear; leaked (November 16, 2021) writer(s): Carsten Schack & Bonnie McKee No Regrets - 2009 ballad kinda good - unleaked writer(s): n/a Now or Never - emotional heartfelt Leona Lewis-esque power ballad - leaked (March 16, 2022) writer(s): Josh Abraham & Oliver Goldstein Now or Never Ruff Mix_01 - early version, different instrumental & verses, that were taken out on the possible final? this one is a little faster and more upbeat, leaked (August 22, 2022) Once Is Not Enough - 2009 cute little dance track / confirmed to be a Leighton Meester pitch - leaked (July 7, 2022) writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein, Bonnie McKee, Nicole Morier & Luke Walker Party Monster - a song that samples the 2010 Tiësto & Diplo single "C'mon," hence why it sounds very much like the Girlicious song "Get Hood," and "Morning Sun" by Rock Mafia/Miley Cyrus; leaked writer(s): n/a Psycho - leaked writer(s): n/a Right Now - this is not the highly sought-after Dr. Puke song that was recorded for the Epic album; leaked (March 21, 2022) writer(s): n/a RIP - upbeat 2010 - leaked (August 23, 2022) writer(s): n/a Risky Business - leaked writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein, Savan Kotecha & Bonnie McKee Rules of Attraction - leaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee, Fraser T. Smith & Ina Wroldsen Sayonara - a demo for Miranda Cosgrove who recorded the song for her 2011 EP High Maintenance (also included on the Japanese edition of Cosgrove's album Sparks Fly); there are three different versions of Bonnie's demo to date: the first one is an early demo that incorporates spoken dialogue from a vintage Japanese film throughout the song, the other is an alternative version that sounds very much like the final product, while the last version is a worktape writer(s): Greg Kurstin, Bonnie McKee & Nicole Morier Sayonara (Early Demo) - leaked (March 7, 2022) Sayonara (Alternate Version) - leaked (March 21, 2022) Sayonara (Worktape) - "not miranda's version, personally love this one more" - unleaked Stars in Your Heart - first recorded during this time period, then reworked for the 2014 Epic album though it's unclear whether it was to appear on the album or become another "inbetweengle" akin to Sleepwalker; Bonnie released the re-recorded version in 2016 as a standalone single along with its accompanying music video which she shot sometime in 2013 writer(s): Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Stars In Your Heart (Extended) - not sure if this one is leaked but theres one with a longer instrumental only outro Surrender - leaked (December 21, 2015) writer(s): n/a Take a Picture - "new" 2010 3:30 writer(s): n/a Take a picture_01 - leaked (July 23, 2022) Teenage Heart - a song written for Bonnie's first attempt at recording a sophomore album in 2009 prior to her work on the 2013 Epic album; other songs written for this project include Déjà Vu, Friends, Infatuation, Mess Around, Mine, Right Now, To Find You, and Worst in Me - leaked (July 8, 2022) writer(s): n/a Terminate 'Em - leaked (March 21, 2022) writer(s): Josh Abraham, Adonis Shropshire & Oliver Goldstein The Breaking Point - upbeat 2009 Kelly Clarkson All I Wanted pitch - leaked (July 23, 2022) writer(s): Kate Akhurst, Bonnie McKee & Vince Pizzinga There Will Be Tears - Bonnie's demo of a song Miranda Cosgrove butchered for her 2010 album Sparks Fly, leaked (March 20, 2022) writer(s): Joshua Coleman, Allan P. Grigg & Bonnie McKee Thunder - cheap-sounding dubstep rework of a song Bonnie wrote for her own project released by British music producer Rusko; I really didn't want to include this piece of garbage, but y'all would complain so here you go writer(s): Ted Bruner, Bonnie McKee & Christopher Mercer Thunder of My Heartbeat - Bonnie's original version of "Thunder" before Rusko ruined it; leaked To Find You - a song Bonnie wrote and (occasionally) performed live circa 2009 at selected events as part of a short-lived promo for her then upcoming second studio album (which was eventually scrapped); other songs written for this project include Déjà Vu, Friends, Infatuation, Mess Around, Mine, Right Now, Teenage Heart, and Worst in Me; the song was later sold to Lea Michele who recorded it for her debut album Louder in 2014 - leaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee U Won - leaked writer(s): n/a Un Love Me - a demo of a song that was sold to and recorded by Leona Lewis for her 2012 album Glassheart, unleaked writer(s): Leona Lewis, Bonnie McKee, Kelly Sheehan & Fraser T. Smith Wanna Live - 2009 ballad really pretty - unleaked writer(s): Josh Abraham & Oliver Goldstein War of the Worlds - "11.20" maybe a date? but no year. upbeat / written for pitching purposes around 2010/2011 - leaked (July 7, 2022) writer(s): n/a What He Did to Me - leaked writer(s): n/a What's It Gonna Take - kinda of a bop definitely a grower - leaked (July 15, 2022) writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein, Claude Kelly, Bonnie McKee & Luke Walker Who Says - an uptempo 2010 song somewhat reminiscent of Medina's 2009 hit single You and I - leaked (July 23, 2022) writer(s): n/a Without You - leaked writer(s): n/a You Won't Have Me - leaked (December 27, 2021) writer(s): Derek George & Tim Owens Epic era (2013) note: not all of the songs listed here were made during this time period, some were written years prior (e.g. Mirage, SMYL, Worst in Me) American Girl - the lead single from the shelved album & Bonnie's signature song writer(s): Oliver Goldstein, Jonathan Asher, Garret Lee, Bonnie McKee & Alex Metric American Girl (Demo) - leaked American Girl (Justin Bieber Pitch Demo) - leaked by Bonnie herself (July 24, 2022) Back to Zero - a song created during this time period, but most likely intended for pitching purposes; there are two demos in existence: one sung by Priscilla Renea, and another one with Bonnie on lead vocals - leaked writer(s): Alex Delicata, Andrew Harr, Jermaine Jackson & Priscilla Renea Calling All Cars - leaked (March 15, 2022) writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Don't Get Mad, Get Famous - leaked (January 8, 2022) writer(s): n/a Electric Heaven writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Electric Heaven (Rough Demo) - leaked (January 5, 2022) Electric Heaven (Final) - completely reproduced, unleaked (allegedly in circulation) Everything But You writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Max Martin, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Everything But You (Demo) - leaked (December 24, 2021) Everything But You (Final) - leaked (March 21, 2022) Forever 21 - what was once considered to be Bonnie's "Rebellion" has now become a reality and joined all the other epic tracks on BonBon's bootleg copies of the unreleased Epic album; considered by many to be her magnum opus and a pop masterpiece, the gheyz sold both of their kidneys for it - leaked (July 13, 2022) writer(s): n/a Hitman writer(s): Joakim Åhlund & Bonnie McKee Hitman (Rough Demo) - leaked (January 11, 2022) Hitman (Reworked) - re-recorded/reworked version of the song, unleaked (its existence is often debated) Hit Me Up - originally meant to appear on the album, but later recorded by Stefanie Scott for the Jem and the Holograms soundtrack; leaked (March 15, 2022) writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Hot City writer(s): n/a Hot City (Demo) - this version is very much in line with the live performance of the song from 2014, except it's lacking the rock guitar breakdown preceding the final chorus - leaked (January 7, 2022) Hot City (Final) - unleaked I Wanna Fucking Call You writer(s): John Martin Lindström, Bonnie McKee & Michel Zitron I Wanna Fucking Call You (Demo) - sadly, this particular demo sounds like it was pieced together from stems and therefore suffers from a couple of glitches (especially the mixing of lead and background vocals is a bit messy) - leaked (November 19, 2021) I Wanna Fucking Call You (Final) - a vastly different reworked version of the song, unleaked (in circulation) Jenny's Got a Boyfriend - leaked (November 27, 2021) writer(s): n/a Last Call Lover - leaked (March 21, 2022) writer(s): Greg Kurstin & Bonnie McKee Love Spell - an older song Bonnie wanted to re-record for this album though she was unsure about whether her label would approve it, and also was concerned with the fact it didn't fit the overall upbeat nature of the record; pitched to Kelly Clarkson at one point (who recorded the song), but ultimately Bonnie decided not to part with it writer(s): Stefan Litrownik & Bonnie McKee Love Spell (Demo) - leaked Love Spell (Reworked) - re-recorded/reworked 2013 version of the song, unleaked (its existence is often debated) Message in a Bottle - leaked (March 15, 2022) writer(s): Heather Bright, Allan P. Grigg & Bonnie McKee Mirage - leaked (January 9, 2022) writer(s): Bonnie McKee Outlaw writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Outlaw (2010 Demo) - leaked (January 6, 2022) Outlaw (Epic Rework) - updated vocals and production, unleaked Rewind Your Heart writer(s): n/a Rewind Your Heart (Demo) - leaked (December 24, 2021) Rewind Your Heart (Final) - unleaked Right Now (Dr. Luke/Cirkut) - another highly demanded song recorded for the album, Bonnie performed it live multiple times; one of the last few songs (The Hunger, Turn Me Up, Show Me Your Love) that remains unleaked writer(s): Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin, Henry Walter & Bonnie McKee Sexin' U - leaked (January 11, 2022) writer(s): n/a Show Me Your Love - considered for inclusion on the Epic record; this song along with Right Now (Dr. Luke/Cirkut), The Hunger, and Turn Me Up are the last few songs that remain unleaked from the iconic scrapped album writer(s): n/a S.L.A.Y. - was supposed to be the second single in 2014, scrapped along with the rest of the album writer(s): Gary Go, Oliver Goldstein, Sam Hollander, Bonnie McKee, John Newman & Jamie Rise S.L.A.Y. (Early Demo) - the very first iteration of the song as briefly performed during Karmin's 2014 tour - leaked (November 4, 2021) S.L.A.Y. (2014 Final) - the second version of the song Bonnie performed throughout the remainder of 2014; changes "want the hot light of the spotlight" to "want to burn bright like the sunrise," also adds the 1999 line but retains "baby we're bright as gold, it don't matter what you've been told" during the chorus - leaked (August 30, 2022) S.L.A.Y. (Final) - supposedly from 2019/2020; includes the iconic 1999 line, but replaces "baby we're bright as gold, it don't matter what you've been told" with "this is our universe, feeling flyer than firebirds" (we love a controversial songwriting choice) - leaked (August 22, 2022) Sleepwalker - the music video for the song was released in 2013 to fill the gap between American Girl and the 2nd official single (S.L.A.Y.); eventually released as a standalone single in 2018 writer(s): Moritz Friedrich, Bonnie McKee & Alexander Ridha Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt - was among the first few Epic track to leak online writer(s): Greg Kurstin, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt (Demo) - leaked (October 24, 2018) Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt (Final) - unleaked The Hunger - unleaked writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Turn Me Up - it was first teased in the first and fifth episode of Breaking Bonnie where Bonnie and her then boyfriend Oliver can be seen listening to a very early version of the song in the studio; eventually scrapped and given away to Carly Rae Jepsen who used it for her 2012 studio album Kiss; Bonnie's original version remains unleaked writer(s): Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein, Carly Rae Jepsen, Kevin James Maher & Bonnie McKee Unlock Your Love - leaked (April 21, 2020) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh Up to Me - a song written during the Epic album sessions that vaguely resembles My So Called Life; curiously enough, it wasn't included on the 2013 whiteboard/album draft - leaked (July 15, 2022) writer(s): Oliver Goldstein, Dave Katz & Bonnie McKee Waking Up Diagonal - a song that was originally supposed to make the final tracklist of Bonnie's Epic album; it was pitched to English singer Cheryl who ended up recording it for her 2014 album Only Human where it appears as "I Don't Care" - Bonnie's superior version leaked in December 2021 writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Worst in Me - a song Bonnie wrote sometime in 2008/2009, and which was recycled and reworked specifically for this album; the original demo used to be up on her MySpace writer(s): Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie McKee Worst in Me (2009 Demo) - leaked Worst in Me (Epic Rework) - a snippet of this updated version can be heard in a Breaking Bonnie episode, it continues to remain unleaked Wild Card - leaked (July 14, 2022) writer(s): Oliver Goldstein, Claude Kelly & Bonnie McKee Bombastic era (2014-2016) Afroki - Steve Aoki feat. Bonnie McKee writer(s): Steve Aoki, Bonnie McKee & Nick van de Wall Always on My Mind - leaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee, Dillon O'Brian & Sean Walsh Bombastic - track 2 on the Bombastic EP & the lead single writer(s): Andreas Schuller, Charlie Puth, Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh Bombastic (Alternate Version) - slightly different instrumental - leaked California Winter - holiday single released in 2014 writer(s): Charlie Puth, Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh Catching Feelings writer(s): n/a Catching Feelings (Demo) - leaked (October 25, 2018) Catching Feelings (Final) - revamped production - unleaked Dark Side (previously known as Hallelujah) writer(s): Benjamin Diehl, Daniel Steward & Nate Cyphert Dark Side (Demo) - leaked (February 7, 2016) Dark Side (Final) - new lyrics and some extra polish - unleaked Diamonds - leaked writer(s): Ross Copperman, Michael Dulaney, Gregory Vernard Hailey & Bonnie McKee Don’t Talk Back - leaked (April 1, 2022) writer(s): n/a East Side Boy - leaked (November 27, 2021) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Sophie Xeon Easy - track 4 on the Bombastic EP & the fourth single writer(s): Bonnie McKee, Andreas Schuller & James Wong Finish Line - features Eden xo, leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): Jessica Eden Malakouti, Bonnie McKee & Christopher John Baran Good Day for Love (stylized variously as Good Day 4 Love and Good Day 4 Luv) - leaked (December 21, 2015) writer(s): n/a I Can Still Dance - leaked (December 26, 2021) [LQ only] writer(s): n/a I Can (Totally) Do This - leaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh I Get What I Want - a snippet is available on dbree, possibly a Bombastic outtake? - unleaked writer(s): n/a I Want It All - track 1 on the Bombastic EP, third single writer(s): Oliver Goldstein, Greg Kurstin, Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh I Want It All (Rough Demo) - different instrumental & vocal take - leaked In the Wild (feat. Major Lazer) - leaked (December 21, 2015) writer(s): n/a Kiss Kiss / Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - leaked (March 16, 2022) writer(s): Andrew Wansel, Warren Felder & Sophie Stern Love You to Pieces - leaked (January 8, 2022) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Warren Felder Never Forget You - most likely a scrapped (and unfinished) Ava Max song on which Bonnie sings the part of the song she wrote - leaked writer(s): Ava Koci, Bonnie McKee & Henry Walter Restless - leaked (February 7, 2016) writer(s): Bonnie McKee, John Newman, Alexander Izquierdo, Stefan Johnson, Jordan Johnson, Marcus Lomax, Clarence Coffee Jr. & Ian Kirkpatrick Speed of Light (feat. Illmind) - a song created for HP’s #AwakenYourForce campaign; used to be available for streaming on Bonnie's official SoundCloud account, but it was removed for unknown reasons writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Ramon Ibanga, Jr. Stud Muffin - the now iconic anthem of the Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar; it was temporarily available as a free download writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh Tough Enough - a DJ Mustard track that was pitched to Rihanna for her 2016 album Anti, but it was rejected; leaked writer(s): Dijon McFarlane Undefeated - leaked (July 15, 2022) writer(s): n/a Wasted Youth - track 3 on the Bombastic EP, second single writer(s): Bonnie McKee, John Newman & Sean Walsh When Doves Cry - a cover of one of Prince's signature songs Bonnie uploaded on her YouTube channel in 2016 writer(s): Prince Wicked - leaked (March 18, 2022) writer(s): n/a Wild Heart - leaked (March 11, 2022) writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Warren Felder Wings - leaked (in LQ only) writer(s): n/a Scrapped 2017 album/EP, standalone singles & the start of mass leaks era (2017-2021) Bad Girls Go to Heaven - a collab between Bonnie and Eden xo writer(s): Jessica Eden Malakouti, Bonnie McKee & David Mørup Baggage - a song written during this time period, the leaked version is only 50 seconds in length - leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): n/a Die Happy - a bop Bonnie debuted and first performed live in 2017 most likely written for her shelved studio album/EP that was to include Thorns and Dirty Laundry, the song's inception dates all the way back to 2015 writer(s): n/a Die Happy (Demo) - leaked (June 9, 2022) Die Happy (Final) - completely reproduced version from 2019 - unleaked Dirty Laundry - Like Die Happy, this song was debuted live in 2017 and was most likely planned to appear on a scrapped follow-up to the Bombastic EP writer(s): n/a Dirty Laundry (Early Demo) - leaked (June 13, 2022) Dirty Laundry (Final) - includes a bridge, rewritten lyrics, as well as updated production - unleaked Dressed to Kill - track 11 on LVCRFT's 2020 album The Sequel *Bonnie is credited as "Evil McQueen" writer(s): Scott Hoffman, Peter Wade, Bonnie McKee & Amanda Warner Ferocious - track 5 on LVCRFT's 2020 album The Sequel *Bonnie is credited as "Evil McQueen" writer(s): Evan Bogart, Justin Gray & Bonnie McKee Gravedigga - track 11 on LVCRFT's 2021 album The Return *Bonnie is not credited as a featured artist in spite of singing lead vocals on it writer(s): Evan Bogart, Peter Wade, Bonnie McKee & Amanda Warner Hasta La Vista - possibly written for Bonnie's own project; her version leaked in early 2022 before BonBons learned that she sold the Walking on Air-esque bop to Luciana who released it officially as a standalone single on Jun 3, 2022 writer(s): Wesley James, Bonnie McKee & Dennis White Hey Alligator - a song about "surrendering to the dangers of falling in love," there are three different versions of Hey Alligator: the first one is an early demo which features lyrics and production unique to it, the second version includes finalized lyrics and incorporates a more guitar-driven instrumental (Bonnie performed this version live at the Peppermint Club in September 2017), the third and last one is a horrendous EDM rendition that appears on Galantis' 2017 album The Aviary Hey Alligator (Early Demo) - Bonnie's original demo, leaked (December 26, 2021) Hey Alligator (Rough Reference) - leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): Johan Linus Eklöw, Christian Karlsson, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Kick Your Shoes Off (From Royalties) writer(s): Darren Criss, Cameron Montgomery & Maggie Chapman Let Your Hair Down (From Royalties) - clean version of Kick Your Shoes Off Legends Only - leaked writer(s): n/a Lonely for You - Armin van Buuren feat. Bonnie McKee, included on Armin's 2019 album Balance writer(s): Armin van Buuren, Benno de Goeij, Jessica Eden Malakouti & Bonnie McKee Lookin' 4 Trouble - track 2 on LVCRFT's 2021 album The Return *Bonnie is not credited as a featured artist in spite of singing lead vocals on it writer(s): Evan Bogart, Justin Gray & Bonnie McKee Lovely - a cover of Lovely by Billie Eilish & Khalid featuring singer AUGUST 08 writer(s): Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell & Khalid Robinson Mad Mad World - 2018 single, initially thought of as the lead single from a new album; Bonnie shot a music video which was never released because of a vengeful ex-boyfriend writer(s): Larry Darnell Griffin Jr., Luis Martínez & Bonnie McKee Modern Girl - a highly demanded song that was used in the second season of Netflix TV series Insatiable, the show was subsequently cancelled and the song remains unreleased writer(s): Bonnie McKee & Sean Walsh Naked - a song Bonnie initially wrote and recorded for her own project; it was later pitched to Ava Max who reworked it for her debut album Heaven & Hell - Bonnie's original demo remains unleaked, but there is a snippet in existence (allegedly) writer(s): Amanda Koci, Jessica Eden Malakouti, Bonnie McKee, Diederik van Elsas, Henry Walter & Parrish Warrington Resurrection - track 12 on LVCRFT's 2021 album The Return writer(s): Evan Bogart, Justin Gray, Bonnie McKee & Trevis Romell Riding Shotgun - Kygo feat. Bonnie McKee, appears on Kygo's 2017 album Kids in Love writer(s): Kyrre Gørvell-Dahll, Jessica Eden Malakouti, Bonnie McKee & Oliver Nelson Sabotage - possibly recorded anywhere from 2015-2018 as well; leaked (December 2, 2021) writer(s): Christopher John Baran & Bonnie McKee Stay Lonely, Get Paid - leaked (December 26, 2021) writer(s): n/a Thorns - released as a standalone single in 2017, originally slated to be Bonnie's return to form, and signal the start of a new era with Bonnie dropping "ton of music;" while this never came to pass the leaked-homemade-amateur-VHS sex tape-y aesthetic of the music video is an iconic moment in her videography (and one that is often retconned) writer(s): Nate Campany, Bonnie McKee & Kyle Shearer Trash Television - a song that appears on multiple drafts of Bonnie's forever upcoming second studio album writer(s): n/a Trash Television (Demo) - leaked (November 29, 2021) Trash Television (Final) - unleaked More leaks, shelved Epic album "re-release" & a new studio album announcement (2022-present) Electric Heaven - confirmed writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Everything But You - confirmed writer(s): Joakim Åhlund, Max Martin, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Forever 21 - confirmed writer(s): n/a Hot City - confirmed writer(s): n/a I Wanna Fucking Call You - confirmed writer(s): John Martin Lindström, Bonnie McKee & Michel Zitron Rewind Your Heart - confirmed writer(s): n/a S.L.A.Y. - confirmed, allegedly the first single from the album and supposed to "come out soon"; Bonnie apparently shot a music video for it which she's "editing as we speak" writer(s): Gary Go, Oliver Goldstein, Sam Hollander, Bonnie McKee, John Newman & Jamie Rise Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt - confirmed writer(s): Greg Kurstin, Bonnie McKee & John Newman Wild Card - rumored; a short snippet of the beginning of the song was used in Bonnie's universally acclaimed short film April Kills the Vibe writer(s): n/a Unknown/Unspecified era (?) All Yours - a song written for pitching purposes - leaked (July 7, 2022) writer(s): Taio Cruz, Bonnie McKee & Kurtis McKenzie Blow Ur Mind - sounds like a voice memo, the file is titled "flo rida blow ur mind" writer(s): n/a Coca Cola Superstar (Coke Jingle) - leaked (August 22, 2022) writer(s): n/a Demolition Man! - leaked (August 13, 2022) writer(s): n/a Heart Attack - it's kind of giving me a military vibe? like kill this love-ish? - unleaked writer(s): Chris Glover, Oliver Goldstein, Michael Jay, David J. Jolicoeur, Marikta, Kelvin Mercer, Nicole Morier & Vaughn Oliver I Like It Fast - unleaked writer(s): JFK (producer) I Like It Hot - sounds like a slow sexy cabaret song, lowkey cute - unleaked writer(s): Rune Westberg & Bonnie McKee Never Say Forever - slower song lq - unleaked writer(s): n/a One More Night - unleaked writer(s): JFK (producer) RSVP - giving victorious - leaked (August 30, 2022) writer(s): n/a Romantic Rage - upbeat guitar heavy mq - leaked writer(s): n/a Shallow - victorious again - unleaked writer(s): Jörgen Elofsson, Erik Lidbom & Bonnie McKee Show Me - only a rough demo of the song (1:36 in length) leaked, it's not the song that was sold to K-pop singer KEY (which happens to be called Show Me as well) writer(s): n/a Sugar Rush - upbeat - unleaked writer(s): Bonnie McKee Unreleased live recordings Birthday Song - kinda sounds like bonnie, live piano ballad Fireflies (To Find You) - this one i have sounds like a live recording of a performance? theres a choir singing with her at the end X That Won’t Let Go - live piano ballad, leaked Unreleased/unregistered collabs Birthday Suit - Mickey Avalon feat. Bonnie mostly at the end; leaked Hit It - a Robin Thicke feature; leaked Itty Bitty - "Itty Bitty Titty" is what the title is on this one Mickey Avalon feature again; leaked Unreleased songs Bonnie co-wrote (but didn't demo) note: due to the fact some of the songs below are unregistered and lack proper credits, it is impossible to state with 100% certainty that Bonnie was involved in the writing process - therefore I'll leave it up to everyone's individual judgment to decide what songs are legit and which aren't Other unreleased songs currently registered on Bonnie's ASCAP/BMI Songs the 'Forever 21' songstress wrote for other artists note: some songs that were previously mentioned (particularly those Bonnie initially wrote for her own projects) have been omitted from this list (e.g. I Don't Care, On Your Side, To Find You etc.
    10 points
  32. In the ever-changing landscape of what's appropriate and not, it's easy to lose track so the mods of PHF have come together and agreed on the 3-strike policy. If you've never heard of a similar concept, the expression is derived from "Three strikes and you are out," a phrase used in baseball where a batter against whom three strikes are recorded, strikes out. This is just a fancy way of saying, if you're issued your first warning, (depending on the severity or prior communication) there could be no restrictions or bans placed on your account or you could be given a week-restriction/ban. It's simply a notification to you to be aware that someone reported your language or behaviour and a mod has agreed that said language or behaviour is not acceptable. No harm, no foul, just make a mental note of it and avoid that type of interaction. Should you continue to repeat said language or behaviour, a second strike will be implemented. This will be a restriction on your posts, meaning, your posts will be reviewed before being published. This will last for roughly a month. During this time, if you show in good faith that you've acknowledged the previously reported issue(s), then you'll be granted full access back after a month. If you act out during this time, it may result in further restrictions. Prior to this point, you are encouraged to reach out to the issuer of your point to explain your side, but this is YOUR responsibility. If you decide not to or you wait too long, this opportunity will not be available to you as you exhausted the timeline. If by the third time you still haven't made corrective adjustments, this will result in a permanent ban from the site. I get it, we're all from different countries, have different upbringings, live in different cultures, but there are some generally agreed upon behaviours that are not acceptable. Derogatory or inflammatory names such as ethnic slurs will not be tolerated. Cyber-stalking will not be tolerated. Use your best judgement, if it does not meet the status quo, you'll receive a message from a mod prior to a point being issued, but further disregard will result in your 1st strike. If you have questions, you're welcome to reach out. Thank you. Please note: Mods do not deal with trades/buys/sells/etc. This post does not apply to those situations as they are completely out of any moderator's control.
    10 points
  33. interview was really interesting. it seems like she doesn't quite understand how devoted her fanbase is—which I totally get, but it makes me sad. I want her to know how much her fans adore her. we're all (justifiably) frustrated and upset with the teasing and empty promises—but we love her and we're all dying to hear her music. and for me, that's never going to change, no matter how frustrated I get lol
    10 points
  34. Trouble era & its shelved follow-up (2003-2007) Friends - trouble sounding Going on Strike - sounds like trouble era, very coffee shop i guess? Make It Through Another Day - trouble sounding slow piano song 2007 Mess Around - sounds old, rock influenced? Met Your Match - sounds like trouble too On Your Side - "I'm on your side" more vocal heavy, sounds like trouble Right Now - this is not the highly sought-after Dr. Luke song that was recorded for the Epic album, leaked Saturday Again - trouble sounding Trouble (Alternate Version) - leaked Tune In to Me - sounds like trouble Writing hits (2008-2012) Always Summer - a 2008 up-tempo song Broken Record - leaked Catch Me If You Can - pitched to Britney Spears for her 7th studio album Femme Fatale, but was rejected; leaked Dance or Die (feat. Nicole Morier) - most likely a Britney Spears pitch; both Bonnie (Hold It Against Me, Inside Out, Seal It With a Kiss, Gasoline) and Nicole (Heaven on Earth, Mmm Papi, Rock Me In, Trip to Your Heart) have written a lot for Britney, and they are both credited on the Femme Fatale song 'How I Roll' (on which they also do background vocals), leaked Déjà Vu - leaked DNA - leaked Earthquake - leaked Femme Fatale - pitched to Britney Spears for her 7th studio album Femme Fatale; it was rejected because Bonnie mispronounced the French word/phrase - leaked Future Ex-Boyfriend - leaked Gasoline - a demo of a song Bonnie pitched to Britney Spears for inclusion on her 7th studio album Femme Fatale, Britney wound up recording and using the song - leaked Gold Dust (Baby Love) - leaked Guilty Pleasure - upbeat 2011 / written by Josh Abraham, Oliver Goldstein & Bonnie Head On - leaked Hold It Against Me - a demo of the Britney Spears song of the same name which was eventually released as the lead single from her 7th studio album Femme Fatale for which Bonnie wrote many other songs on this list I Dare You - leaked If That’s Love - leaked It Is What It Is - leaked Lie Detector - it's giving femme fatale sessions Light Up the Night - a Britney Spears pitch, leaked Love You to Pieces - leaked Lovebird - recorded by Leona Lewis for her 2012 album Glassheart, Bonnie's demo remains unleaked No Regrets - 2009 ballad kinda good Once Is Not Enough - 2009 cute little dance track RIP - upbeat 2010 Risky Business - leaked Sayonara - a demo for Miranda Cosgrove who recorded the song for her 2011 EP High Maintenance, also included on the Japanese edition of Cosgrove's album Sparks Fly; leaked Sayonara (Alternate Version) - leaked Sayonara (Worktape) - "not miranda's version, personally love this one more" Stars In Your Heart (Extended) - not sure if this one is leaked but theres one with a longer instrumental only outro Surrender - leaked Take a Picture - "new" 2010 3:30 Take a picture_01 - 4:20 i haven't listened enough to hear the difference Terminate 'Em - leaked The Rules of Attraction - leaked There Will Be Tears - Bonnie's demo of a song Miranda Cosgrove butchered for her 2010 album Sparks Fly, leaked U Won - leaked Un Love Me - a demo of a song that was sold to and recorded by Leona Lewis for her 2012 album Glassheart, unleaked Wanna Live - 2009 ballad really pretty What He Did to Me - leaked Without You - leaked Unknown/Unspecified era (?) Battle Royale - upbeat song kinda good Blow Ur Mind - sounds like a voice memo, the file is titled "flo rida blow ur mind" Cory pop idea Bonnie 2.0 - kind of a cute song, upbeat Chasing Ghosts - LQ 2010 slower song but not a ballad Daylight - kind of a dance song Deadmau5 song (Bonnie Mix 1) - EDM bop kinda like Afroki Demolition Man! - upbeat kinda good Finish Line - a highly requested song that remains unleaked Go Getter - upbeat kind of a bop? title says "bonnie greg - go getter" Heart Attack - it's kind of giving me a military vibe? like kill this love-ish? Heartbeat - upbeat Hit and Run - upbeat giving that victorious soundtrack realness I Like It Hot - sounds like a slow sexy cabaret song, lowkey cute I Want You - upbeat Infatuation - mid tempo kinda has a funk vibe It Gets Better - slower song but not ballad JFK - so i have "JFK+BMcK002" which is serving like gay piano dance track which sounds like a more final? JFKbonnielildemo - this wasn't on the list but it's the very rough demo of the last JFK one Laserbeam - upbeat dance track Looking Glass - i would compare it to lovebird vocal heavy Monday - i have one called "monday song" not sure if it's the same. it's very education connection Never Say Forever - slower song lq Now or Never - more final, slower v cute / snippet available on dbree Now or Never Ruff Mix_01 - early version, different instrumental & verses, that were taken out on the possible final? this one is a little faster and more upbeat On and On - slower song but not a ballad One More Night - edm-ish Party Monster - sounds like something from jersey shore lol Psycho - upbeat RSVP - giving victorious Rock Angels - N/A Romantic Rage - upbeat guitar heavy mq Rubberband - upbeat Shallow - victorious again Sugar Rush - upbeat Teenage Heart - rock influenced The Breaking Point - upbeat War of the Worlds - "11.20" maybe a date? but no year. upbeat What’s It Gonna Take - kinda of a bop definitely a grower Who Says - upbeat sounds like it would've been pitched to like ava or something You’re Mine - N/A Epic album sessions (2013) note: not all of the songs listed here were made during this time period, some were written years prior (e.g. Mirage, SMYL, Worst in Me) Calling All Cars - leaked Don't Get Mad, Get Famous - leaked Electric Heaven - leaked Everything But You Everything But You (Demo) - leaked Everything But You (Final Version) - leaked Forever 21 - Bonnie's "Rebellion" and one of the last few songs that remains unleaked from her 2014 Epic studio album. It is single-handedly the most overhyped and demanded song in Bonnie's entire discography and rightfully so as it's her magnum opus and a pop masterpiece. The gheyz would sell both of their kidneys for it. She's consistently using it to emotionally blackmail her fans into caring about her career. Hit Man / Hitman - leaked Hit Me Up - originally meant to appear on the album, but later recorded by Stefanie Scott for the Jem and the Holograms soundtrack; leaked Hot City - leaked I Wanna Fucking Call You I Wanna Fucking Call You (Demo) - leaked I Wanna Fucking Call You (Final Version) - unleaked (the existence of this one is debatable) Jenny's Got a Boyfriend - leaked Last Call Lover - leaked Lipstick Revolution - written by Paul Galanakis, Bonnie, Simon Perry & Florence Van Wyk; remains unleaked Love Spell Love Spell (Demo) - leaked Love Spell (Reworked) - rerecorded/reworked 2013 version of the song, unleaked Message in a Bottle - leaked Mirage - leaked Outlaw - leaked Rewind Your Heart - leaked Right Now (Dr. Luke/Cirkut) - a song written by Bonnie, Lukasz Gottwald, and Henry Walter for her unreleased 2014 Epic album; it's highly demanded as she performed it live multiple times; one of the last few songs (Forever 21, The Hunger, Turn Me Up, Show Me Your Love, Wild Card) that remains unleaked Sexin' U - leaked Show Me Your Love - considered for inclusion on the Epic record; this song along with Forever 21, Right Now (Dr. Luke/Cirkut), The Hunger, Turn Me Up, and Wild Card are the last songs that remain unleaked from the iconic scrapped album S.L.A.Y. S.L.A.Y. (Demo) - leaked S.L.A.Y. (Final Version) - unleaked So Called Life (also My So-Called Life) - leaked Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt - leaked The Hunger - unleaked Turn Me Up - it was first teased in the first and fifth episode of Breaking Bonnie where Bonnie and her then boyfriend Oliver can be seen listening to a very early version of the song in the studio; eventually scrapped and given away to Carly Rae Jepsen who used it for her 2012 studio album Kiss; Bonnie's original version remains unleaked Unlock Your Love - leaked Waking Up Diagonal - a song that was originally supposed to make the final tracklist of Bonnie's Epic album; it was pitched to English singer Cheryl who ended up recording it for her 2014 album Only Human where it appears as "I Don't Care" - Bonnie's superior version leaked in December 2021 Worst in Me (Reworked) - a reworked version of a song Bonnie wrote circa 2009; the original demo was leaked, but the Epic album version (which can be heard in this episode of Breaking Bonnie) remains unleaked Wild Card - unleaked Bombastic era (2014-2016) Always on My Mind - leaked Bombastic (Alternate Version) - slightly different instrumental Catching Feelings - leaked Crazy Boy - file is titled CrazyBoy090216 so im assuming 9/2/16? Diamonds - leaked Don’t Talk Back - leaked on April 1, 2022 East Side Boy - leaked Good Day for Love (also stylized Good Day 4 Love and Good Day 4 Luv) - leaked Hallelujah - leaked I Can Still Dance - leaked I Can (Totally) Do This - leaked I Get What I Want - snippet available on dbree, sounds a bit like Bombastic; unleaked I Want It All (Rough Demo) - different instrumental & vocal take In the Wild (ft. Major Lazer) - leaked Kiss Kiss - leaked Restless - leaked Up to Me - sounds newer kinda like it would be performed with like bombastic songs? Wicked - leaked Wild Heart - leaked Wings - leaked Shelved 2017 album & standalone singles (2017-present) Die Happy - a song Bonnie debuted and performed live in 2017 most likely written for her third shelved studio album that was to include Thorns and Dirty Laundry - unleaked Dirty Laundry - Like Die Happy, this song was debuted live in 2017, unleaked Hey Alligator (Original Version) - a song about "surrendering to the dangers of falling in love," there are two versions of Hey Alligator; the first one is a downtempo/acoustic rendition which was not officially released, while the other is a horrendous EDM rework of the song which appears on Galantis' 2017 album The Aviary; Bonnie's original demo leaked in 2021 Modern Girl - a highly demanded song that was used in the second season of a Netflix TV series Insatiable, the show was subsequently cancelled and the song remains unreleased Naked - a song Bonnie wrote and recorded for her own project; it was later pitched to Ava Max who recorded it for her debut album Heaven & Hell - Bonnie's original demo remains unleaked, but there is a snippet in existence (allegedly) Show Me - Bonnie's demo of a song that was pitched and ultimately sold to K-pop singer KEY for his 2019 album I Wanna Be, unleaked Stay Lonely, Get Paid - leaked Unreleased live recordings Birthday Song - kinda sounds like bonnie, live piano ballad Fireflies (To Find You) - this one i have sounds like a live recording of a performance? theres a choir singing with her at the end X That Won’t Let Go - live piano ballad Unreleased collabs Birthday Suit - Mickey Avalon feat. Bonnie mostly at the end BrandNew - sounds like Robin Thicke Hit It - a Robin Thicke Feature Itty Bitty - "itty bitty titty" is what the title is on this one Mickey Avalon feature again License to Love - dance track I thought this was leaked 2010 I don't think it's bonnie? maybe a feature? Unreleased songs Bonnie co-wrote (but didn't record) Dose - written by Patrick "PJ" Bianco, Shanna Crooks & Bonnie I Am Woman - not bonnie [singing] but it has that "i am woman hear me roar" quote she loves Kiss of Death - written by Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Sam Barsh, Paloma Faith & Bonnie When I'm Alone - a song Bonnie co-wrote with Carly Rae Jepsen for Carly's 2015 magnum opus Emotion, but which ultimately failed to appear on the record and was sold to a K-pop group f(x) who recorded the song for their fourth studio album 4 Walls - leaked by living legend LVD (whether Bonnie also recorded a demo of the song is currently not known) Huge thanks to @Ice Prince and @account removed, this list wouldn't exist without you.
    10 points
  35. I've been asked to stop posting everything I find on dbree in the Latest Leaks thread, so instead, I created this to help verify whether something is fanmade or legit. Unfortunately, I don't have as much time as other folks here to look into every artist releasing music, so that's why I'm on a music forum asking the collective for their wide array of expertise. For those who have found their way to this thread, you are also welcome to post here if you aren't sure if something is legit or not. If you know something is fanmade, it would be great for you to include how you came to that conclusion. Do the vocals sound pitched? Is it a stem edit? Was a verse lifted from another song? When responding to someone asking for verification, please keep it respectful here; we all have different interests, backgrounds, knowledge, etc. I don't think I need to say more, just be a decent human being. Disclaimer: If you don't want to see this type of content, you are welcome to not reply, not follow, and click out of this thread. If you reply, you'll automatically start following this thread and it's pretty clear that these posts are extreme disruptions to your day and we're all just here to have a good time. Please don't let my or anyone else's ignorance ruin your day, you deserve to live your life to the fullest without impediments from a stranger on the internet. Only love here.
    10 points
  36. i'm tired and have to go to bed cause i have to work early tomorrow. and when i'm tired i get emotional lol. and i was just thinking about how fun this has been being on here waiting for all the leaks with everyone here. i remember how excited i was for this album in 2013/2014 and listening to the songs now i listen kinda as that person back then. but now everytime i listen as a 28 year old adult ( way to old to be refreshing a page waiting for the next leak lol) everytime i listen to these songs i will think about how exciting it was reading this forum and all of you talking and then signing up. idk i'm being dramatic. i just think it's cool we pretty much have the album at this point. but kinda sad since we have only a few songs left and people will slowly stop talking when theres nothing to wait for anymore. it's just been a fun experience waiting for the last album i've been really waiting for to finally leak with everyone. goes to sleep cause this is to dramatic over songs lol.
    10 points
  37. It's unusual to encounter an artist who not only truly cares about her fans, but who is willing to be best friends with them, too. My story with Kara started when our longtime member @Baby V Alex made a thread about her first single, 'Cloud 18'. It wasn't long before my fellow writer @Countess and I conducted an interview with her, and since then our bond has only gotten stronger and stronger. When will your faves, huh? At first, I was completely intimidated. I was just a basic member of a music forum, and she was the person we were discussing. I didn't know what to talk about with her, or if she really cared about talking to me at all. But over time, I become enraptured by her amazing personality. I was pleased to find out that not only is she funny and talented, but her heart is full of love and compassion. Halsey should take notes. Kara's new single 'Like Me Better' launched today, and in celebration of it's release she sat down with us to share ten fun facts about herself. 1. Her party days are long gone. "I was a total party animal in high school! Not anymore. I work seven days a week on fashion and music stuff so I don’t have any energy left to party. I just stay home and watch movies and eat chips, lol. I go out maybe once every one to two months." 2. When asked for just one of her favourite places to visit, she gave us three. Hawaii! I couldn’t believe how magical it was. I was shook! I was driving around the island (my Australian family don’t know how to drive on the other side of the road so they made me drive) and it was completely breathtaking. On one side of the car was the ocean and on the other side was some crazy Jurassic Park forest-style mountain volcano shit with fog on top. It looked fake! That’s how surreal it was. Cloud 18, cos that’s my happy place in my head where me and my adorable fans live. Perth, in Australia. Or wherever my family is. 3. She doesn't play around with homophobes or fuckboys. "I have a few personality traits which I think are very important for me in another person: a kind heart, honesty, AN AMAZING SENSE OF HUMOUR (someone who makes me laugh and also laughs at my hilarious jokes...), loyalty and love. And what kind of people I despise? Hmm...Liars, sexists, racists, and homophobic people are not welcome on Cloud 18." 4. She lives without regrets and wouldn't change a single thing in her life. "I honestly don’t give situations of the past that much thought. For what, you know? I just choose to focus on the lessons I learn from different situations and like to think of how it’s all shaped me to be who I am today. I’m proud of the person I’ve become. I have a lot of wisdom apparently!" 5. She has amazing taste in films. "My favourite movies would be Spice World and Grease. Iconic. Legends only. Don’t @ me." 6. Her biggest dream is surprisingly attainable. "To be ridiculously happy. I don’t give a flying fuck what I’m doing. I just wanna be happy, with family, surrounded by love. My childhood dream used to be to be a huge pop star and fashion icon. So, you know...I still want that but at the end of the day, if that doesn’t end up making me happy it means nothing anyway." 7. When it comes to food, she goes back to her Australian roots. "I love a good Australian meat pie with tomato sauce! Apparently, there are some Australian bakeries in LA that have meat pies but I’ve never been to one. I’m going home for my sister’s wedding in November so I will definitely devour a meat pie then." 8. She stans other artists just as much as we stan her. These are some of the concerts I have attended: Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape Tour - Multiple dates in Australia, 2007: I was still a baby in high school but I saved up and flew around Australia to go to different shows. I met Gwen a bunch of times at airports and concert venues. Total Gwen stan! Lady Gaga's The Monster Ball Tour - Perth, 2010: I waited all day so I could be front row in the pit and I made her a denim jacket/coat thing. I ended up giving it to some security person at the venue so who knows where it ended up - she probably never even received it, hahaha. Britney Spears' The Femme Fatale Tour - Atlanta, 2011: Nicki Minaj played the support. Justin Bieber's The Believe Tour - Atlanta, 2012. Avril Lavigne's Bonez Tour - Perth, circa 2004: I was little, I think it was 2004! I used to looove her! I wanted to be a skater in tomboy clothes and date boys who could skate. Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway Tour - Perth, circa 2005: I think it was 2005. I went with my big sister. She’s so awesome live. 9. Her favourite song she's ever written isn't a surprise. "'Like Me Better' is my current favourite song of mine cos I can fully relate to it (obviously, cos I wrote it), but also because it's a great reminder for me to be an independent queen and not take any bullshit." 10. The meaning behind 'Like Me Better' is deeper than you may think. "I wrote ['Like Me Better'] in 2015 as a reminder to myself that I don’t need anyone else to make me happy. It was something that I could listen to and feel empowered. After going through a breakup it took me a long time to get to the point where I could be happy and fully content alone. For a while, I felt like a lost puppy and I'd forgotten my self-worth. Once I started respecting myself and putting myself first, I was free. So this song is about me finally realising that I’m Gucci solo. Now whenever people or opportunities come and go out of my life, my inner happiness is not affected because my happiness is not tied to anything outside of me." Remember that Kara's new single Like Me Better is out now! Don't forget to buy it on iTunes and stream it on Spotify.
    10 points
  38. This will be a weekly project. Message me your submission Don't post it in the thread so it can be a surprise for everyone One submission per person You have until Friday to submit your song I'll post the mixtape on Sunday Thanks to everyone who participated! This weeks mixtape is ready to download Previous Mixtapes
    10 points
  39. 1. Olympia is a fire starter. He always comes at Cry Baby and starts the bullshit. That's wack. STOP IT! 2. Cry baby says stupid shit and offends minorities. STOP IT! Nobody leaves this forum, cause: a) Olympia doesn't have the power to decide who can and who cannot be here. Those polls are stupid, childish and pointless. b) Countess wants people to be here. The more users, the better. c) Cry baby, except being a racist, homophobe, transphobe, trash or whatever else Olympia calls him, contributes a lot what can be seen in his content count. We're grateful for that. At least I am. d) Y'all are a mess I chose the option that Cry baby doesn't leave, cause I like this option. I want everyone to be here and contribute. And Olympia not coming at CB sounds promising. IN YOUR FACE!
    10 points
  40. Well girls, I’ve done something unhinged. I’ve filmed and edited a 40-minute video all about Hot City. It’s about the years when this album was announced, the departure from Epic, the in-between years, the drama on this thread, and the long anticipated release. I’m uploading on Friday, and I will share it with you lovely people once it’s up in case you want to take a trip down memory lane.
    9 points
  41. I first found out about Dress Black from Alexz Johnson, whose brother Brendan Johnson joins Stephane Monten, Colin Mercer and Justin Ross to make up the quartet. An indie-rock band, Dress Black got their start back in 2014 as a group of friends who bonded over a passion for surf rock and Motown, and since then they've gone on to release several singles and a self-titled EP, even picking up a nomination at the Toronto Independent Music Awards. Now Dress Black is preparing to release their debut album, Future Songs, set to drop next month. They took some time out of their busy promotional schedule and tour planning to discuss how they came together as a band, the signifigance of their debut album and where they see themselves heading in the future. Hey guys, thanks for being here! How are you doing today? Hello! Thank you for having us, we’re very excited to be here. Let's go back to the beginning. What led to you all becoming musicians? Has it always been a dream for each of you? I believe we all picked up instruments at a young age and with that comes a love for music. You play along to your idols, learn new songs and get better at playing. It’s a powerful thing to listen to your favourite bands and know that they started by picking up an instrument for the first time too. And you think, "Maybe I can do that." In short, yes, it’s work but the dream is worth it. We all really just want to be rock stars. Who doesn’t? Maybe James Taylor. How did you guys get to know each other? Were you friends or musical collaborators first? Stephane and Brendan were working at the same restaurant when they discovered they had a mutual appreciation for music and songwriting. After a couple of sessions mucking around in the studio, they wrote 'Money', 'Black Dress' and 'When You Gonna Love Me' which are three songs you’ll hear on the upcoming album. From there they asked friends Colin and Justin to jump on board and we’ve been solidly climbing ever since. The band came together pretty quickly, but it’s been three years since you wrote your first song. Where would you like to see yourself in the next three years? That’s a good question. We focus so much on the immediate steps that we forget to ask ourselves that sometimes. We would love to have another record or even two out by that point and be playing in festivals around the world. One of our members is from New Zealand and we would love to play an Australian/New Zealand tour. Your new single ‘Single File Girl’ is a song with a laidback, positive vibe perfect for summer. What inspired the sound for the song? We wrote this song after two weeks of intensively writing new material. We were exhausted of ideas and just lazily put 'Single File Girl' together without thinking it would turn into much. A day later we were inspired by MGMT’s “Kids” which helped finish the melody. We then wrote a story about a young, dysfunctional couple who were addicted to each other for the lyrics and the song came together. If you were to list some of your major inspirations, who would they be and why? We once had a friend describe us as "The Beach Boys for college kids." Some of us are still trying to decipher that one but we do lean towards that 50s surf rock vibe. We were inspired by 70s Motown and 50s surf rock; it was a classic era for a reason. The simple hooky melodies grabbed our attention. We wanted to take that and make it modern. Artists like Foster The People, Prince, Daft Punk and Phoenix make you want to dance. We are finding the blend of that dance/melodic driven sound and we’re excited to see how our sound evolves. Your debut album Future Songs is set to be released next month on August 1st. How would you describe the sound of it? Similar to what we mentioned in our list of inspirations, this album has a modern surf rock vibe. We use dueling guitars and falsetto vocal stylings to deliver a melodic, dance-driven, indie rock sound. You can definitely say that we’re not your stereotypical band set up; we utilize two vocalists that sing the same melody and drift in and out of harmony to give the songs width and dimension. Basically, two lead singers. When writing songs for this album, did you approach the process from the perspective of own experience or from the role of storytellers? It’s a mix of both, some of the songs on the album are based on personal experience and some tell stories. Some of them were written because a certain phrase sounded great phonetically so we wrote it around those words. Do you have any must-haves while recording in the studio? Claps. Lots of claps. Brendan really likes claps. Justin doesn’t like claps, but Brendan doesn’t really care. But seriously, there was a lot of compromise on claps…. And food. Stephane gets really, really hungry. Your last two music videos were directed by Alexz Johnson. What's it like having your sister direct your videos, Brendan? To be honest, Alexz and I have a long history of collaboration so it’s quite easy for us to jump into new projects together. Speaking of music videos, who came up with the idea for the 'Straight Line' music video? Do you mean 'Weekend' or 'So Lovely'? 'Weekend' and 'Single File Girl' were Alexz and Brendan’s brainchild and 'So Lovely' was conceptualized by our very good friend Nick Posthumus of Current Sessions Productions. Alexz is going on tour with her upcoming album A Stranger Time soon and Dress Black will be joining as a support act. How do you guys feel about your first ever nationwide tour? Are you more excited or nervous? We’re very excited about it! This will be our first time playing in the States and we are incredibly grateful that Alexz is giving us some opening slots. Since it is a US tour, which states are you the most excited to perform in? Are there any plans on touring throughout Europe as well? Which European countries would you like to visit the most? We’re still in the early stages of planning and we’re focusing on the east coast for now - New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. I would say we are excited to perform in all of them! Europe is in the cards - that’s in the coming planning stages. We would love to play in Italy, France, Germany, England and Scotland. Brendan, you're well known for your work with Alexz and we already know that you've contributed to her upcoming album. How do you manage to work on two completely different projects with different sounds and viewpoints? Is it hard to seperate your Dress Black Work from your other duties? Not necessarily, it’s quite easy for me to focus on the genre of music I’m working on. Where it gets difficult is time management. Every artist has their own sound and my job is just to accentuate that sound. You and Alexz have released three compilations of the Basement Recordings so far, a series containing demos from throughout her career that didn't make their way officially onto albums. Will you give in to the fan demand for a fourth compilation? It’s hard to say now; Alexz and I have definitely been entertaining the idea. The Basement Recordings is a compilation of old demos and old recordings from our past, so we just need to look back a little further and see what we can put together. I can imagine that over the three years you've been working on the Dress Black album you've recorded quite a few demos yourself. What songs would you put on your own version of The Basement Recordings? 'Rough To The City'… we don’t talk about that song. Are there any collaborations coming up? Who would you like to make a song with the most? Not in the near future. We’re very focused on getting our album out there. Given the style of our record, it would be awesome to write a song with Foster the People or Glass Animals. Thank you so much for chatting with us today! Are there any final words you'd like to say to your fans or people who haven't tuned in yet? Originally, we were considering calling our band Young Sleep. That’s a little easter egg for you. We look forward to sharing more music with you! Don't forget to show your support Dress Black by following them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Check out their singles on iTunes and Spotify, and don't forget to pick up their debut album Future Songs when it launches on August 1st.
    9 points
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